Tuesday, June 08, 2010

WORD: Ideas, thoughts and opinions

I make this section to have an outlet in which I can express in writing ideas. Basically, this is the only real "blog oriented" section of my site. I won't use a blog format though, as this is not really a blog, and i am unsure exactly how many entries i will make here, as it depends on the amount of thoughts that pass through my head which I find worth mentioning. The subjects are really off from taking about music or art, though i might talk about these as well. A lot of them deal with thoughts about physics, metaphysics, politics maybe, I don't know. Anything is possible:

Axis of Deceit: Chomsky, Israel, Nazis, and Aliens

Nothing is Free


The Nephilim Spirits Hypotheses

2012 : From Fears to Camelot : A Meta-Metaphysical Analysis

Content, Value, and Identity, through the Virtual Fracture

Thrive of the Method

Grim and Serious Business




The Link

Calling for a Scientific Paradigm Shift

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