Sunday, March 11, 2012

WORD: The Nephilim Spirits Hypotheses

This text will be somewhat different from my previous writings. Even now, I find it hard to label it. While on the one hand, it is my invention, my "fiction", on the other hand, possibly, it just might be "the truth". Still, regardless, considering the notions it discusses, I am confident, that if you are somewhat interested in U F Os, aliens, 2012 apocalyptic prophecies, spirituality, or religions, you might find this text interesting. Apart from that, and the fact, it is a bit long, I cannot determine much about it.
To clarify, what this text will discuss, are hypotheses, possibilities, which are possible, not because our current knowledge shows it, but rather because our lack of knowledge allows it. Still, these hypotheses are not a natural continuation of my thoughts, but rather, a reaction to the hearsay and opinions of others. While essentially, my experience does not contradict these hypotheses, it does not validate them either, and had I not been aware of several suggestions, made by other individuals, or folklore, I probably would never had thought of them.
In short, this text attempts to find consistent truths in our superstitions. It assumes, that the reason many different individuals share the same superstitions and beliefs, is because they are all inspired by the same metaphysically consistent idea, and using the terminology and concepts of my texts in meta-metaphysics, namely, "Delta Theory" and "inconsistent", this text will attempt to describe them more consistently and clearly, as meta-metaphysics provide us with certainties, conclusions which must be true, regardless of our beliefs.

Still, we should note, that just because an idea is metaphysically consistent, it does not imply, it must be true. To explain, if for example, we look at the skies, and see dark clouds in the horizon, it is consistent that rain would begin pouring, but it is just as possible, not a single drop of rain would fall. There are many additional aspects involved, such as temperature, humidity, air pressure, turbulences, or the angle of the sun. The same applies to these hypotheses. To clarify, for these hypotheses to be correct, many issues, which currently, are either unsubstantiated, or beyond proof, must be true, regardless if currently, we have no way to determine it. Nevertheless, being consistent with the meta-metaphysical conclusions of "Delta Theory" and "Inconsistent", provides these hypotheses a compelling argumentative robustness, which essentially, is the reason why I invested the time to write them.

Section 1: Bloodlines.

Ok, let us get down to business. In my previous post, "2012, from fears to Camelot", I mentioned the now widely accepted suggestion, with respect to the physiology of our alleged extraterrestrial visitors. According to widespread suggestions, these aliens are humanoids, consisting of several different alien races (such as the Grays, the Nords, and the Reptilians). Moreover, I argued, that it should not surprise us to find our extraterrestrial visitors are humanoids, as supposing humanoid alien races dominate our section of the universe, they could have been spreading their offspring in this region of space, including on earth, suggesting our appearance is somewhat similar, as these extraterrestrials are in fact, our ancient ancestors.

At first glance, this hypothesis seems plausible, and therefore, it is not that surprising, ancient alien enthusiasts endorse it, suggesting we have evolved through a genetic merger between the apes, and extraterrestrials, who allegedly, have been visiting the earth since ancient times. However, this argument suffers from one empirical flaw. To clarify, while it is possible, mankind has evolved through some kind of biological "merger" between the earthly apes and extraterrestrial "agents", still, the empirical evidence we have, with respect to the evolution of earthly animal species, suggests these agents could have not shared our humanoid physiology.

But why? Well, regardless of any possible evolutionary discontinuity between humans and apes, we are still quite similar to them, both in appearance, as well as in a significant portion of our DNA code. Moreover, biologically, we show great similarities with other mammals, and being both symmetric, possessing a blood system, skeletons, a head, and many other physiological features, we clearly show an evolutionary link with insects and fish as well, suggesting we shared common ancestors, somewhere along our evolution into our human form. Considering this, we should note, it would be wrong to view such similarities as "obvious", as according to contemporary science, we share an evolutionary heritage with animals such as octopuses for example, whose appearance and physiological features are fundamentally different from our own.

While indeed, such facts are common knowledge, still, somehow, we seem to "forget" them, when confronted with the question, regarding the alleged extraterrestrial humanoid races, who we believe are "visiting" us. To clarify, according to reports, with respect to our extraterrestrial visitors, they all share many of the physiological attributes we mentioned. They are all symmetric, with a head on their shoulders, mounted with two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Moreover, allegedly, some of them look exactly like us, and live in the midst of our human civilizations. All these traits have been passed to us through evolution, from animal species, which look neither like us, or these aliens (such as ancient fish for example). Therefore, it suggests, both humans, as well as these alleged "aliens" inherited these physiological features from the same biological ancestor. Still, if these "aliens" are indeed from other planets, naturally, they could not have underwent earthly evolution, as quite simply, they are not "from here". They were not "around" to evolve from single cellular life forms, to fish, to dinosaurs, to mammals, to apes, and eventually, to humans, and hence, it suggests, they could not have inherited their biological physiological features. So how come we look so similar?

Well, there are many ways to answer this question. First, we could suggest, these aliens did not merely manipulate our biology, so to cause our evolutionary transition from apes to humans, but rather "planted" their entire Eco system on earth, from which both us, and them, drew our physiological features. While arguably, such a suggestion seems plausible, careful analysis shows, it leaves many explanatory gaps. For example, it does not explain, how come all of the alien races, which allegedly visit us, share our basic humanoid physiology. To clarify, had there been only one humanoid alien race, it would have been possible for it to "plant" its Eco system on earth, and hence, could explain our physiological similarities. However, in itself, this cannot explain the similarities between us, and a collection of alien humanoid races, as each alien race should have had its own, radically different Eco system . Moreover, it does not solve the "riddle", with respect to our evolution from apes to humans. To explain, had these aliens were to "plant" their Eco system on earth, they would have had to do it, not in the times of apes, and not even in the times of dinosaurs, but rather in the times of microbes and the primordial soup, a time, when these physiological features were not yet present, as they have not yet evolved. Therefore, it suggests, the aliens who planted this Eco system, could not have possessed a humanoid physiology, as again, at the time, humanoid physiology was "unavailable". To clarify, according to such a suggestion, when allegedly, these aliens "planted" our earthly Eco system, while obviously, they were technologically advanced, still, they could not have been humanoids, and hence, it disassociates the link between the emergence of human intelligence, and the emergence of human physiology, as according to fossil evidence, humanoids emerged on earth only millions of years after these primal times, suggesting the "genetic soup" of these primal times, did not contain "genetic humanoid blueprints". To counter this argument, we could claim, humanoid aliens have been manipulating evolution on earth from its very beginning, patiently waiting for it to evolve into a form of their choosing, namely, intelligent humanoids. Moreover, we could claim, many alien races have manipulated earthly evolution, hence explaining our mutual physiological similarities.

While essentially, there is nothing "wrong" or "impossible" in this suggestion, still, one cannot help but wonder, how can any race, so technologically advanced, be so impossibly patient. To explain, ever since the industrial revolution, our life style has been consistently "speeding up". No longer do we have the patience to "wait for nature", so to change our environment to our liking, and instead, we persistently learn new methods, and construct new technologies, so to speed up practically all the aspects of our reality. Indeed, some claim our contemporary temporal "greed" is doing harm to the ecology of the earth, and it is quite possible, more evolved species have learned "the hard way" to "slow down", understanding the risks involved in such rapid ecological changes. Nevertheless, there is a huge difference between "taking it easy" and waiting for millions of years, and I am pretty much sure, the evolution of mankind could have taken a significantly shorter duration, had it been governed by alien technology, rather than by natural selection.
Indeed, some have claimed, our alien visitors are time travelers, and hence, they do not require any "wait" whatsoever, as being time travelers, temporal delays become truly insignificant factors. Nevertheless, if these alien time travelers come from the past, this does not explain our physiological similarities, as it would mean, that during mankind's evolution, technologically, these aliens were already fully developed, meaning, that as a species, they evolved through an evolutionary process, fundamentally different from that of mankind's, suggesting we should have never developed such physiological similarities, as our evolution transpired in two different environments. Alternatively, we could have suggested, these aliens come from the future, meaning, that our physiological similarities are the result of the fact, we are their ancestors, and actually, the seeming argumentative robustness of this claim, caused many to favor it, suggesting these aliens came from our future "to correct our history" so to speak.
Still, such a suggestion is problematic, to say the least. To explain, if these aliens came to "fix" their history, it can mean they either failed (as otherwise, they would not be aware something required fixing), or that they succeeded, but that they are slaves of destiny and fate, rather than time travellers, as their actions were predetermined from before they were even "born". Moreover, we should note, that had these aliens came from the future, they could not have "designed" our human biology, as it would mean, they designed the evolution of their ancestors, causing a tautological time loop with respect to their ancestors' evolution. Alternatively, we could have suggested the somewhat common hypothesis, that these alleged aliens come from a "parallel universe", altering a timeline different from their own. However, this would imply these aliens cannot be our ancestors, as not only did they not share our evolution, they did not even share our universe as we evolved.

Arguably, had we insisted, we could have suggested many other alternate solutions, to our physiological resemblance both to other earthly animal species, as well as to our alleged strange visitors. Moreover, as I confessed in the introduction of this text, the hypotheses we will suggest, are but possible possibilities. Furthermore, I should note, I do not possess any evidence to show these alleged humanoid alien species exist. Still, if they do exist, we should at the very least consider the hypothesis, they are neither our ancestors, nor are they humanoid, but rather, that they "borrowed" their humanoid shape from us, and that essentially, in their original form, they looked nothing like us, or any other earthly animal specie for that matter. Moreover, considering that allegedly, some of these alien races appear completely human, it suggests, they borrowed their physiological appearance from us in its entirety, meaning that essentially, they had no physiological "input" to add to our biology, and as such, arguably, any possible historical genetic merger between our species, yielded nothing but devolution, as their lack of physiological merit, may have damaged our physiological survival advantages.

In what way? Well, when comparing humans with apes, the first physiological difference we can spot, is mankind's obvious devolution. To clarify, indeed, today, humans are masters of the earthly food chain, while apes are almost extinct, and we attribute this to our evolutionary superiority, with respect to our cognitive capabilities. Moreover, "Delta Theory" argued, that without this devolution, we would have never evolved to rely on our cognitive capabilities to survive, as our born survival capabilities would have "saved us the trouble". Nevertheless, physiologically speaking, we have devolved from the ape physiology, becoming physically weaker, less biologically equipped to survive in cold temperatures, our coordination became much poorer, as well perhaps as in other manners.

Usually, this does not happen in nature. Usually, the physiology of species evolves to become stronger, and more fitting to survive, as that is the key principle guiding natural selection. Still, as devolved as we may have become, physiologically, our alleged humanoid extraterrestrial visitors are even more devolved. For example, if we consider "the Grays", according to common descriptions, they hardly possess any distinguishable muscles, suggesting they could have been much stronger "animals", had they retained their body mass. In addition, if we consider "the Nords", while they appear very similar, if not identical to humans, their alleged blond hair and blue eyes, suggest pigmentation loss of some type, which while surely farfetched, and perhaps insignificant, may attest to a physiological devolution of some type. In short, it is possible, that while aliens have been meddling with human biology and evolution, they have not been "adding" genetic material, but rather distilling it, as on their own, they have no genetic composition whatsoever, and whatever similarities they have with us, are but faded copies of our own evolutional ancestry.

Indeed, again, I invented this argument, and have done so, while basing it on little more than hearsay, and hence, nothing attests to its validity. Moreover, while arguably, in some ways "it makes sense", still, even if we accept the possibility it is valid (not to mention our acceptance to take seriously the reports, with respect to encounters between humans and our alleged visitors), it is hardly a "solution" to the mystery surrounding this issue. To explain, devolved or not, again, technologically, these alleged alien species are much more advanced than us. According to ancient astronauts theories, they possessed interstellar vessels, which carried them in their humanoid form across the galaxy, while we were just inventing the wheel, suggesting they were superior to us, even prior to the time, they allegedly "borrowed" our physiological features.
So why did they bother? What did they have to gain by borrowing our shape, if they already possessed such superiority prior? Moreover, again, many have suggested the existence of a collection of humanoid alien species, of different origins, hinting of an interstellar "fashion", to have humanoid appearance, and while it is not impossible, it is certainly not convincing. Furthermore, with respect to "fashion", an esthetic evaluation of U F O reports from various historical periods, shows that in every era, the so called alien crafts changed their appearance, to match the style and design of their time. For example, in the early years of the 20th century, U F O reports described and depicted alien crafts, as very similar to steam engine technologies, while contemporary reports, describe them as somewhat similar to contemporary manmade stealth aircraft designs. Indeed, it is possible, these earlier reports were inexact, as today, our technological advancement allows us to analyze better, what it is exactly we see. Moreover, possibly, all, or some, of these flying crafts are manmade, and if so, it would explain these design differences. Still, because we have references to U F Os in ancient texts as well, from flying serpents, to flying shields, it would suggest the existence of a parallel human civilization, which technologically, is thousands of years ahead of us, while when it comes to design, it finds our civilization stylishly superior. I do not know about you, but somehow, it is not convincing.
Still, if not, then what is the score? Are these aliens reading human fashion magazines, or what? How can this reflect the attributes of a superior animal species?

Undoubtedly, there is something very strange about our alleged extraterrestrial visitors. As I mentioned in the post "2012, from fears to Camelot", we have reasons to doubt the physics and mechanics of their alleged extraterrestrial apparatuses. Moreover, again, many times, it has been suggested, that somehow, these aliens come from a higher dimension, while any consistent metaphysical analysis can easily show, such a suggestion is impossible, as quite simply, dimensions are not "ordered" elements, and without the aid of metaphysically inconsistent elements, there cannot be causative interactions between different dimensions. Still, according to the meta-metaphysical conclusions of "Inconsistent", these "aliens" cannot be inconsistent elements, as had they been inconsistent elements, their coexistence in our reality, would send our world into uncontrollable complete chaos, while the fact our mechanical technology still "works", clearly shows, that apparently, the consistency of our reality persists, despite the alleged involvement of our strange visitors. In addition, according to contemporary undoubtedly questionable reports, these "alien species", are very much interested in our consciousness, a strange suggestion (to say the least), as assuming that indeed, originally, our strange visitors shared nothing of our biology, we would expect, they would not share our neural biology either, as most of our empirical data seems to suggest, our neural biology is but a subset of our overall evolutionary progression.

So what are we to make of all this? Well, the first, perhaps wise choice, would be to dismiss it altogether, until more reasonable data would be provided, with respect to our alleged visitors and their technologies. To clarify, as I already suggested in the post "2012, from fears to Camelot", currently, the available information, with respect to our alleged visitors, is based on hearsay, while the technology it mentions, can hardly qualify as "technology", and for lack of better understanding, should be referred to, and dismissed as "magic".

Still, this type of dismissal, can be dangerous. To explain, regardless of the details of reports, with respect to the identity, appearance, or technology of our alleged visitors, we cannot dismiss the immensity of such testimonies. Moreover, as I confessed several times before, in the past, I witnessed U F Os as well, memories, which quite frankly, would be more "insane" to dismiss, than to confess to, as essentially, dismissing them, meaning, believing my own invented memories, would be no better than believing the notions I suggest in this text, must be correct. Therefore, I find myself somewhat obliged to provide an alternate, more plausible explanation, which would reconcile the differences between these reports, my theories, and my experience. Moreover, on a broader scale, we should consider the gravity of the issue, had one day, not so far from now, mankind would discover, many of the testimonies, with respect to our alleged strange visitors, were true, and we wasted our time to "prepare" for their arrival, on doubt.

Therefore, I decided to consider the issue more seriously. Still, again, I did not, and do not, have verified information, with respect to our alleged visitors, and so, without a better option, I decided to utilize my theories in meta-metaphysics to confront this issue, as to the best of my knowledge, no other theory is broad enough in its explanatory scope, to provide me with understandings, which are both broad and imperative enough, to confront the unsubstantiated rumors, regarding our alleged interstellar visitations. Still, being theories in meta-metaphysics, rather than "raw" metaphysics, these theories, namely, "Delta Theory" and "Inconsistent", they explicitly avoided yielding imperative conclusions, with respect to specific metaphysical theories, and therefore, on their own, they cannot solve this riddle. To explain, the question, with respect to the origins of our alleged visitors, attempts to unveil "the truth", regardless of its level of metaphysical consistency, while theories in meta-metaphysics, yield much broader understandings, which essentially, are irrelevant to this riddle.

To summarize, I understood, I required more "valid data" to confront this issue. I required more certainties. To explain, while certainly, the internet offers much information about our alleged visitors, it is all unverifiable. Moreover, the speculative nature of this information, is one, if not my prime motivation, to explore this issue. Still, I required a different "source". I required a "source", whose testimony I could not question, namely, me. To be more specific, I decided to analyze the circumstances, in which I witnessed, what I could only describe as U F Os.

Section 2: Contact.

As I mentioned in the closure chapter of "Inconsistent", at the time I had my U F O sightings, I was in a great emotional turmoil, which seemed to occur spontaneously, and without much rational justification. During this time, while my creative abilities were blooming, emotionally, I was a wreck. I believed in my own fantasies, in ways, to which usually, I would never agree. In addition, somehow, during that time, metaphorically, I could see my past and future, merging in my creative works, not to mention several "visions". Then, one night, I saw a flying triangle U F O, above my flat in Tel Aviv, on top of all this insanity, which I continued to see each night, for several weeks. Moreover, I should note, I did not hear of the flying triangle "U F O formation" prior to these sightings, and the fact I could find videos on You Tube, showing the exact thing I saw above my flat, came to me as a complete surprise.

While writing "Inconsistent", I was only partially aware of some of the suggestions I mentioned in this text. I did not know about the suggested link, between our alleged consciousness enthusiast visitors, time traveling, etc., and therefore, I hardly mentioned these issues, even though retrospectively, in a strange way, these sightings served as one of my prime motivators to revisit my conclusions from "Delta Theory", and complete them with "Inconsistent". I speculated, that considering the somewhat coincidental nature of my U F O sightings, they were somehow "caused" by metaphysical inconsistencies of some sort. Still, as "Inconsistent" argued, our entire existence as consciousnesses depends on the effects metaphysical inconsistencies have over our psyche, and hence, essentially, such a claim is hardly "unique". Indeed, with respect to the 2012 apocalyptic prophecies, which due to the Mayan calendar inexplicable end at the end of the year 2012, suggest an impending upheaval of some type, similarly, toward the end of "Inconsistent", I suggested the current tendencies of metaphysical inconsistencies, as expressed in the manner they affected human civilization in the last one hundred years, suggest a possible future collapse of mainstream demonically influenced beliefs, to which I referred to as "the angelic collapse". Still, I speculated, "the angelic collapse" will be of our doing, through an act of an unaware global suicide, motivated by our desire to better our condition, while following irrational "angelically influenced" ideals. Nevertheless, as I myself confessed, I found my suggestions too farfetched to be taken seriously. Moreover, because as I already suggested, this alleged cataclysmic social event was the result of a possible tendency of metaphysical inconsistencies, nothing can regulate it, and hence, there is no need to contemplate about it, as essentially, there is nothing we can do to either verify it, or prevent it. Still, when deciphered from the context of my suggestions, with respect to the identity and origins of our alleged extraterrestrial visitors, I understood, that perhaps, I overlooked one "smoking gun", which could help me solve our current mystery.
In what way? Well, during my emotional turmoil, I was convinced, my sightings of U F Os somehow served as "proof" as for the meaningfulness of my experiences, a conviction, which led me to write the album "v", and later, the text "Inconsistent", as if to justify an otherwise pointless shift in my life, which resulted with no meaningful change whatsoever. Still, even writing "Inconsistent", and then correcting its predecessor, namely, "Delta Theory", did not put purpose in these events. It seemed as if, whatever forces are governing the happenings transpiring in my life, be it consistent or inconsistent forces, they are stubbornly reluctant to "join hands", and allow me to continue on the path "they" have led me. To explain, as I confessed in the closure chapter of "Inconsistent", the key motivator to my experiences was love, love to someone, who to this very day, I cannot determine whether she exists physically, and this intangible dispositions led me to helplessly seek the help of "spirits", such as that of the god "Loki", the subject of my 2008 musical release. Surely, a broken heart is common, and not worthy of disclosure. Still, considering the amount of inspiration I received, resulting with the amount of songs and texts I have written, the possibly valid new understandings they offer, all of which hardly resulting with anything other than dismissal and indifference, the only thought that repeatedly bothered me was "What was the point of all this?"

While indeed, I could not solve this mystery, nor decide if it is a mystery at all, and not reflections of my own uncontrolled emotion, still, I could not let it go, and accept it. To explain, even after these troublous times, I was convinced, my U F O sightings were somehow "linked" with my emotional turmoil, as quite frankly, I have not seen a U F O before, or since. In addition, despite my suggestions from "Delta Theory", that metaphysically, meaning is a semantically meaningless concept, I retained my conviction, that my U F O sightings were a sign of the meaningfulness of my experiences. However, once I considered the suggestions I have made in this text so far, a new possibility came to my attention. To be more specific, there is the possibility my U F O sightings were not a "sign", as for the meaningfulness of my experiences, but rather to the real reason for the appearance of our alleged visitors.
To clarify, according to "Inconsistent", it is possible, the emotional turmoil I underwent, was not the causative result of any event transpiring or affecting my life, but rather the effects of inconsistent elements on my psyche, or what "Inconsistent" referred to as "demonic influences". Moreover, as "Inconsistent" suggested, such effects are quite common, as they reflect in all our sensations of pain, our wills, and our desires. Still, unlike our sensations of pain, our wills, and our desires, these troublous times were hardly "normal". My "demonic influences" were peaking. Therefore, once reevaluating my memories, I began to wonder, is it possible, I witnessed these U F Os, not because they were manifestations of my demonic influences, but rather because my demonic influences somehow "attracted" them?
But why should any element be attracted to our demonic influences?

Section 3: The Demonic Connection.

Well, this is what I call "the abnormal spirits hypothesis". The abnormal spirits hypothesis suggests the existence of a feature of our consciousness, which when encountering strong demonic influences, results with us experiencing events, similar to those reported and attributed with contemporary extraterrestrial, and extra dimensional visitors. Moreover, the abnormal spirits hypothesis suggests, that in our distant past, this feature of our consciousness resulted with the events, documented in our religious texts, as well as depicted over many archeological findings. "Inconsistent" dedicated the chapter "angels" to these, while interpreting them as the means, with which inconsistent elements, or alternatively, the real gods, cause us to act in irrational manners, so to realize their metaphysical omnipotence. "Inconsistent" differentiated these "angelic interventions" into two categories, concrete angels (meaning, angelic beings, with which we have conscious experiences, and which deliver us prophecies and moral directives), and abstract angels (meaning, a socially inhibited understanding these angelic beings both exist, and are inheriting us with a morality). Still, as "Inconsistent" argued, from the perspective of the real gods, they are all the same, as inevitably, their effects on the manner we change our reality are equivalent.

Still, obviously, from the perspective of our consciousness, they are not equivalent. We learn of the existence of our gods from the religions our society endorses, in a manner not so different from the manner we learn about gravity. As children, we learn it as a fact, which later, as we grow up, we can question. In contrast, when experiencing strange encounters, such as those reported, with respect to our alleged extraterrestrial visitors, something completely different transpires. Our preconceptions suffer a dramatic shift, as we gain new understandings, with respect to our reality. Arguably, the same can occur when listening to a very charismatic religious preacher. Nevertheless, as "Inconsistent" described it "seeing is believing". Somehow, seeing a strange U F O in the night sky, is much more convincing, than hearing or reading about a similar event, in a sermon, in an ancient text, or in an internet page.

Naturally, once we experience such encounters, we assume, we saw what we saw. We do not question the details of our experiences, nor the validity of the conclusions they suggest, such as the existence of both such visitors, as well as their technology. Nevertheless, a careful analysis of our meta-metaphysical conclusions, may reveal somewhat different possibilities, which indeed, link such experiences with our demonic influences, and our consciousness, but in a manner, fundamentally different from the obvious.

Still, to understand these possibilities, first, we must revisit our meta-metaphysical conclusions, with respect to our consciousness. According to "Delta Theory", we perceive the metaphysical function of the dimension of consciousness, meaning, the dimension capable of hosting elements as recurrences of itself, through the sensation we know as our self-awareness. In addition, the dimension of consciousness grants us the ability to grasp generalizations. It allows us to grasp the semantic meaning of concepts, as identical to sensory stimulations, which we receive from the physical world. To clarify, for example, if we think of the generalization we know as "apples", the dimension of consciousness allows us to perceive it as identical to an apple's shape, color, taste, smell, textual description, and the likes. Considering this, obviously, the dimension of consciousness is a fundamental feature of our existence as consciousnesses.

However, this does not imply, we exploit the potential of the dimension of consciousness to the full, or even to the full of our mental capacity. To clarify, it is possible, the manner we utilize the dimension of consciousness's metaphysical capabilities, is similar to the manner, we utilize our animal body. For example, if we consider our fitness, while usually, we prefer to relax, if we wish it, we can train our body to run long distances, while to be effective sprinters, we require a different training. Still, because other animals (such as horses for example) are more adapted for running than us, had we were to race with them on foot, we would lose, regardless of our training.

The same applies to our consciousness. To explain, it is possible, both our animal brain, our sub consciousness, as well as perhaps, additional agents, utilize the dimension of consciousness in ways, of which currently, we have no knowledge. To clarify, as its name suggests, the dimension of consciousness is a dimension. Moreover, according to "Delta Theory" it is a hosting dimension, meaning, it is a "space", in which consistent elements can exist, not so different from the manner physical elements exist in the physical three dimensional space. For the course of our next discussion, we will define the elements the dimension of consciousness hosts as "spirits".

I chose this name, for the simple reason, the elements the dimension of consciousness hosts, possess no physical attributes, and hence, supposing they exist, their existence matches our common concepts, with respect to spirits. Still, just as physical objects do not actually enter our consciousness, but rather leave their conceptual, or alternatively, "spiritual" impression in our psyche, elements, which exist in the dimension of consciousness, do not consist of mass, or fill a volume of space, and hence, we can claim, their existence is purely "spiritual". Nevertheless, our use of the term "spirits", does not suggest any of the common connotations to the term, such as souls, ghosts, and the likes. Moreover, we should note, that possibly, the sensations we sense, be it stimulations we receive from our senses, generalizations, or sensations of pain, are but a subset of the manners, by which "spirits" can manifest.

To clarify, the abnormal spirits hypothesis suggests, that the manner our brain evolved to utilize the dimension of consciousness "seals us" within the boundaries of our internal mental worlds, "sealing us off" from sensing some "spiritual elements". Nevertheless, this does not imply, other "spiritual elements" do not exist. To explain, as consciousnesses, our reality consists of the elements that affect our psyche, meaning, the physical and conceptual elements we can sense. Still, we cannot sense the sensations other individuals receive from their senses. Therefore, supposing other individuals experience their existence in a manner similar to our own, we can deduce the existence of at least one type of "spiritual elements" which do not enter our reality, namely, the sensual stimulations others receive through their senses. To clarify, while we cannot sense these "spirits", we can safely assume they exist, and had we sensed them, such sensations would have qualified as "abnormal spirits".

Still, there is more to it. From our experience, we know, some "spiritual elements" demand our neural biology would shift its mode of operation, to become tangible to us. For example, whenever we meditate, new concepts may capture our attention, concepts, or alternatively, "spiritual elements", which usually, are inaccessible to us. In addition, the events transpiring in our dreams, do not transpire in the physical world, and therefore, had they transpired during wakefulness, they would certainly qualify as "abnormal spirits". To clarify, while our experiences may be the conceptual source, from which the elements we encounter in our dreams emerge, still, these elements are not physical. They are purely "spiritual", and as such, their materialization in the physical world, would represent an "abnormal spiritual manifestation". Moreover, being outside the "reach" of our scientific instrumentation, we cannot determine, whether our experiences inspire all the elements we encounter in our dreams, and as such, it is possible, "abnormal spirits" may influence their manners of manifestation. In addition, it is possible, the same can be said with respect to effects hallucinogenics have over our consciousness.

Still, we should not make the mistake of associating the "spirituality" of elements, with any special type of "meaningfulness". "Spiritual elements", are as meaningful as particles in space. Both are but consistent and limited elements. Without the assistance of our consciousness, and its function as a metaphysically inconsistent "gateway" connecting otherwise irrelevant worlds, they cannot affect our reality. To affect our reality, "spiritual elements" must utilize our demonic influences, so to breach the metaphysical independence between otherwise independent and irrelevant worlds. To clarify, to yield meaningfulness, the "spirits" in our minds, such as our abstract concepts, as well as our external sensory stimulations, must affect one another, while metaphysically, such interrelations are impossible. In other words, metaphysically, "spirits" require the aid of metaphysically inconsistent elements, or alternatively, the real gods, to be "real" and "meaningful". In contrast, we, meaning humans, are "blessed" with a constant supply of demonic influences, ensuring we "feel" the present as "meaningful". Therefore, from the perspective of "spirits", we, meaning humans, are both metaphysically superior, as well as perhaps their most valued resource, as through our consciousness, we can bring "spirits" to life, so to speak.
Therefore, considering my experiences, I began to wonder, is this the reason I saw U F Os during these troublous times? Did my demonic influences "attract" these U F Os, in a manner not that different, from the manner, flies are attracted to rotting garbage?

Well, it depends. To clarify, while in some ways, the effects "abnormal spirits" have over our psyche are similar to what "Inconsistent" defined as "demons", meaning, the effects of metaphysically inconsistent elements over our psyche, still, unlike the demons "Inconsistent" mentioned, the existence and attributes of "abnormal spirits" is not a meta-metaphysical imperative. To explain, as "Inconsistent" argued, the existence of "demons" is imperative, as it is but a subset of the effects metaphysically inconsistent elements have over our reality, which according to "Inconsistent", must exist, regardless of our beliefs. In other words, the "demons", which "inconsistent" discussed, are "as real" as our self-awareness, a certainty, which we cannot refute, as regardless if we refute, agree, or marginalize it, we attest to its validity. In contrast, the effects of "spirits", different from the "normal" effects of "spirits", which we know from our daily experiences (such as our self-awareness, the generalizations with which we think, our wills and desires, etc.), is but one possibility among many. Moreover, as the abnormal spirits hypothesis suggests, the emergence of "abnormal spirits", does not necessarily represent an inconsistent progression of causality, and might actually be, a "natural" consistent feature of our neural biology. Still, if so, without additional empirical data to question it, the existence of "abnormal spiritual effects", is unnecessary for any complete metaphysical explanatory model of our reality. Nevertheless, no meta-metaphysical imperative forbids it, and hence, the existence of "abnormal spiritual effects" is possible.

Section 4: Invariants.

Even if we accept the existence of "abnormal spiritual effects", metaphysically, we may interpret their existence in several distinctively different manners. For example, with respect to our previous discussion, there is what I call, "the psychological abnormal spirits hypothesis". According to this hypothesis, some "abnormal spirits" exist in us "by design". They are an intrinsic component of our neural biology. While usually, these "spirits" do not affect us, neurologically, our consciousness can change its mode of operation, so to cause them to surface, and affect our conscious experiences. We already mentioned several possible methods, by which we could cause such "abnormal spirits" to surface, namely, meditation, dreams, and hallucinogenics. Still, as my experience suggests, there may be an additional scenario, in which these "abnormal spirits" may surface, and that is, when under a high measure of demonic influences.

To clarify, to the best of my knowledge, it is a fact, that throughout our lives, most of us, do not witness strange interstellar visitations. Therefore, supposing these visitations reflect the manifestations of "abnormal spirits", then obviously, as a specie, our mental capability to experience them, is not uniform. Therefore, it suggests two options. First, it is possible, that as a specie, neurologically, we did not evolve "enough" to be able to "access" these "abnormal spirits", while when demonically influenced, we extend beyond our metaphysically consistent capabilities, as our consciousness "stretches out", beyond the scope of our evolutionary limitations. Undoubtedly, many new age scientology and occultism enthusiasts may cherish this possibility, suggesting their teachings can "enhance" our capabilities as consciousnesses. However, considering the issues we will soon discuss, the opposite seems more plausible. To clarify, as we will soon show, it is possible, that in ancient times, mankind had the neurological capabilities to "access" these alleged "abnormal spirits", as such neurological capabilities can easily explain the existence of our mythologies and religions. Therefore, supposing this suggestion is correct, we can deduce the second option, namely, that while indeed, at one time during the progression of human evolution, humans could "access" these "abnormal spirits", humans who disregarded their existence, were evolutionarily superior, and hence, we evolved to remain indifferent to their existence. In other words, humans, who refrained from "accessing" these "abnormal spirits" yielded a more successful specie, and for that reason, most of us are not aware of their existence anymore.
Considering this, we should note, that the manner, by which we disregard "abnormal spirits", may vary. While it is possible, our tendency to remain skeptic to the existence of U F Os, aliens, or "abnormal spirits' effects" (such as telepathy, remote viewing, telekinesis, etc.), reflects such neurological method of dismissal, still, there may be other methods. For example, it is possible, that whenever our neural biology identifies "abnormal spirits apparitions", it "filters them out" of our visual sensory. Alternatively, it is possible, the biological evolution of our sense of vision, underwent a process of devolution, so to revoke our ability to witness some physical phenomena (such as what is otherwise referred to as the "flying orbs"), which due to their somewhat strange nature, cause the surfacing of "abnormal spirits" in our psyche, while other, less cognitively advanced animals, as well as manmade instrumentations, may still be able to witness them. While indeed, such suggestions appear unusual, in many ways, they are not that different from the way we manage to "filter out" any other "background noise" from any "meaningful" sensory input. In many ways, these all reflect but "tactical invariants", with respect to their purpose.
Moreover, they are not that different from our general knowledge, with respect to our evolution. To explain, just as today, most of us do not suffer from biological diseases, which we considered fatal in the past, the same can apply to more "spiritual" issues. To clarify, regardless of our progress in the field of biology, contemporary science has not unveiled "the secret of life" in its entirety, and hence, we should not assume, our "spiritual" evolution is more "vaguely defined" than our knowledge, with respect to our biological evolution. In addition, we should note, that just as our technology and ingenuity prolonged our biological longevity, so could our knowledge and culture served as conceptual instruments against "malignant abnormal spirits". To clarify, supposing that most of us cannot "access" these "abnormal spirits", it becomes apparent, that as a specie, we do not require their interference, suggesting they are "unnecessary", quite like diseases are "unnecessary".
Furthermore, as we previously mentioned, "spirits" do not possess mass, or fill a volume of space, meaning, they cannot consist of matter. Therefore, because as "Delta Theory" concluded, metaphysically, life and physical matter are equivalent, these "abnormal spirits" are not "alive", suggesting the disturbance they inflict on our lives, is not so different from that of viruses. To explain, just as viruses become "alive" once they enter our body, so may these "abnormal spirits" become potent, once they intrude our consciousness, as through our neurological capability to inflict metaphysical inconsistencies, we allow these "abnormal spirits", not only to become "real", but to inflict changes over the physical world, and so, indirectly, to affect the lives of other individuals, who do not, choose not, or cannot "access" these "abnormal spirits". Considering this suggestion, we could claim, the forceful enforcement of religious moral principles, as practiced in many contemporary societies and cultures, is a fine example of this.

Still, regardless of the drawbacks or benefits of "accessing" these "abnormal spirits", it is possible, that when our lives are seriously disrupted by demonic influences, as our understandings and securities crumble successively, our mind "retreats" into its less evolved mode of operation, a state which did not yet manage to "filter out" such malignant "spiritual noise". When operating in such a neurological "mode", instinctively, our brain would allow such "abnormal spirits" to affect our lives, even without our knowledge or acceptance. To clarify, we cannot "control" our demonic influences, and being the product of metaphysical inconsistencies, we cannot retrace any causative evidence to prove they affect us. Therefore, supposing that indeed, metaphysical inconsistencies would result with the surfacing of "abnormal spirits" in our consciousness, we would not be aware of it. For all intended purposes, the perspective these "spirits" will invoke in our consciousness, will become our reality, regardless if this perspective would not reflect the state of the physical world, or the perspectives of other humans, whose neurological "mode of operation" is "normal". Considering this, and the various new age teachings, suggesting we should mutate our consciousness, so to open our "third eye", and see "beyond" the obvious, it is possible, such a "third eye" should be better referred to as a "spiritual black eye", an equivalent to a demonic knuckle into our neural biology, throwing us back to more primitive, and less successful incarnations of the human animal.

But why such a negative connotation? Well, we should reevaluate, what it is exactly we are discussing. The "psychological abnormal spirits hypothesis", does not suggest, "abnormal spirits" can manipulate our physical reality directly. To clarify, according to this hypothesis, it does not matter if we witness strange shit in our wakeful reality. Regardless if our neural biology "filters out" some elements from our perception, within the context of a "healthy" human society, these apparitions exist merely as a mirage, as a delusion, suggesting that in many ways, "accessing" these "abnormal spirits" is no different from classic schizophrenia. Moreover, considering our suggestion, with respect to the modes of operation of our neural biology, it is possible, the emergence of psychological abnormal spirits in our consciousness, could be the result of physical head trauma as well, and hence, arguably, this negative connotation is justified.

Still, even if so, how does this relate to our alleged extraterrestrial visitors? Well, as we just explained, according to the psychological abnormal spirits hypothesis, to affect our reality, "abnormal spirits" require the demonic influences our consciousness utilizes, meaning, these "spirits" must merge with the generalizations and abstractions, already existing in our minds. These generalizations and abstractions are not the sensory data we receive from our senses, but rather the abstract "simplified" versions of our experiences. Therefore, it is possible, that as these "abnormal spirits" transform into elements we can sense, and which can affect us, they merge with these abstractions, suggesting the possibility, the shape of our alleged visitors, is but a projection of the generalizations with which we think, which our brain "merges" with these "abnormal spirits". Moreover, such merger may inflict mutations over our existing concepts, so to result as the common images of extraterrestrials and their crafts.
To explain, we could suggest, that our abstract understanding of what beings are, does not include many of our physiological features, and hence, as we personify the "abnormal spirits" we sense, we project them without many of our features, resulting with naked, almost white, muscle-less beings, we know as "the Grays". Moreover, we could claim, that because we conduct most of our interactions with other humans face to face, our abstract concept of what a being is, puts an emphasis on the head and the eyes, and hence, "the Grays" have a large head and eyes. In addition, we can stretch our hypothesis even further, and suggest, that because essentially, these beings are our projections, caused by "abnormal spirits", they do not actually exist, and hence, we cannot "penetrate" their psychology, resulting with their eyes being completely dark. To clarify, as many have claimed in the past, our eyes are "the gateway of our soul", suggesting black eyes, are our projection of our preconceptions of emotionless beings. Furthermore, because our personalities are different, our abstract connotation may differ, resulting with such beings taking other appearances. For example, supposing our view over others is positive, we may project "abnormal spirits" as what is known as "the Nords", while if our preconceptions are more negative, we may project them as what is otherwise known as "the Reptilians". While obviously, none of these suggestions are verifiable, or rigorously argued, it is possible, they are correct.
Still, even if so, what about their technology? To clarify, as I already suggested in the post "2012, from fears to Camelot", considering the rumors, with respect to the technology these "aliens" possess, such as time travelling machines, star gates, etc., it is easy to believe, none of these "alien technologies" actually exist, and that the existence of their strange interstellar crafts, along with any additional "gizmos" they may carry, are but delusions, which "abnormal spirits" inflict, and hence, there is no point questioning their true essence, as there is none. Still, is this the only option? Moreover, had we one day personally learned how to construct machines, through knowledge passed down by our alleged visitors, or by backward engineering an alien craft, would that refute the psychological abnormal spirits hypothesis?

Section 5: Potency.

Well, the answer is no. But why? Well, we should remember, the psychological abnormal spirits hypothesis does not question the existence of "abnormal spirits". It merely suggests, that the only way "spirits" (normal or otherwise) can affect our physical reality, is through the actions they make us perform, using our animal body. Nevertheless, because "abnormal spirits" do not exist in the physical world, but rather in the dimension of consciousness, theoretically, "abnormal spirits" may be capable of feats, which we, being bound to our coexistence in both the dimension of consciousness, and the physical world, would find impossible.

For example, because "abnormal spirits" are not limited to the flow of mechanical causality in the physical world, issues related with our time and space, are irrelevant to them. To explain, as "Inconsistent" suggested, the metaphysical essence of the passage of time, is the constant nullification of the state of our reality, by inconsistent elements. To put in context, contrary to the consensus shared by almost all contemporary theories in physics, according to the conclusions "Inconsistent" suggested, it would be wrong to think of "time" as a dimension. To clarify, according to "Delta Theory", only the present exists, and the passage of time, merely reflects the repeated nullification and reassembly of our reality, according to the regularities the imminent dimensions sustain, such as persistent existence, spatial expansion, movement, and the likes. Metaphorically, the passage of time is similar to a "hacked" vending machine, with the imminent dimensions, being its nuts and bolts. Metaphorically, the real gods persistently, "kick" this machine, nullifying its previous state of operation. As a result, this "metaphysical vending machine" ejects a soda, which is analogous to the creation of the next state of our reality.
These repeated "kicks", or alternatively, the constant flow of nullification and reconstruction of our reality, compels all physical elements, to a constant rhythm of change, namely, the speed of causality (which up until not so long ago, was considered as the speed of light). In contrast, because metaphysically, "abnormal spirits" exist mainly in the dimension of consciousness, they exist outside this "metaphysical upheaval", and hence, they need not "sync" with the speed of causality. In other words, the flow of causality in time and space, is irrelevant to them. Nevertheless, according to our definitions, "spirits" are consistent elements, and as such, their capabilities are bound by the limitations of consistent elements. Moreover, again, they cannot manipulate physical elements in this timeless space less manner, and hence, they may only yield ideas and concepts, or alternatively, information. In short, within our minds, "abnormal spirits" can perform whatever calculation a machine can perform, with an infinite amount of time at its disposal. We can rephrase this conclusion In computer sciences jargon and claim, "abnormal spirits" have the capacity to solve the "halt" predicate, granting them hyper-computational capabilities. In cognitive terms, "abnormal spirits" can successfully complete any consistent infinite cognitive process, of which we could think, in finite time.

Indeed, when evaluated from the perspective of our current scientific paradigm, such capabilities are more than impressive. However, we should remember our method of analysis. We are discussing these "abnormal spirits" according to the meta-metaphysical conclusions of both "Delta Theory", and "Inconsistent", which already determined, every particle in our universe possesses similar capabilities. To clarify, as "Delta Theory" suggested, each collision between two particles, juxtaposes two potentially infinite sets of contingent dimensions, which to put in context, are dimensions, which according to "Delta Theory", exist locally and independently in each particle in space, and yield what we usually refer to as life, or what exact sciences refer to as physical randomness. These collisions occur instantaneously. Therefore, supposing we could have somehow "mapped" input data to contingent dimensional dispositions, essentially, the particles existing in the physical world, already possess a computational potential, identical to that of "abnormal spirits". Moreover, as "Inconsistent" suggested, our brain already revised a method to utilize this metaphysical feature of particles, by associating the contingent dimensional imprint of each of the neural pathways in our brain, with different concepts and thought patterns. In addition, if we consider the "speed" at which events transpire in our dreams, making the passage of seconds, feel similar to the passage of hours, it suggests the possibility, that without our knowledge, we already experience and utilize such cognitive computational capabilities. In other words, when analyzed as a machine, theoretically, our brain possesses capabilities, similar or equivalent, to the capabilities we mentioned, with respect to "abnormal spirits". Therefore, again, considering the capabilities we mentioned so far, none of them demand the existence of "abnormal spirits effects", as had we wished it, we could have explained all these capabilities, without incorporating such effects into our explanatory model.

Still, it is possible, "abnormal spirits" possess additional capabilities, which stretch beyond those of our brain. In what way? Well, as "Inconsistent" suggested, being consciousnesses, our reality consists of the inconsistent metaphysical intersection of the physical world, with our internal mental worlds. However, because our internal mental worlds repeatedly change, understandably, our biology has evolved to focus the operation of our brain on the single repeating tendency affecting our reality, namely, the physical world, and the stimulations our animal body streams into our consciousness. We have "no say" in this matter, because as "Delta Theory" suggested, our animal body is a biological "tyrant", enslaving us to its biological survival necessities. In contrast, "abnormal spirits", do not share such an intersection with the physical world, and hence, they are free to manifest in the dimension of consciousness, in manners both different, and far more versatile, than those possible for us.
For example, as we already mentioned, our existence in the physical world, "binds us" to the "speed" or "rate" in which causality flows in the physical world, while for purely "spiritual elements", time is simply irrelevant. Nevertheless, again, it is irrelevant only in somewhat "computational" terms. To clarify, contrary to popular notions, with respect to "spirituality", because "abnormal spirits" cannot enter the physical world, they equally cannot enter it at any point in time. Moreover, because again, "spirits" are but logical constructs, existing in the dimension of consciousness, their relevance to our reality, is limited to the present, as only in the present, may they affect us. In other words, unlike the real gods, who exist "outside of time", "spirits" exist "without time", similar to the manner mathematical facts, such as the Pythagoras theorem for example, are eternally valid, while without being aware of them, we would never had been able to utilize them, so to affect our reality.
Still, even without true time travelling capabilities, theoretically, "abnormal spirits" can utilize their "hyper computational" capabilities, so to achieve several "impressive" feats. For example, it is possible, "abnormal spirits" can trace any infinite consistent flow of causality in the past, or in the future. To clarify, at each moment in time, our world reflects a consistent flow of causality, which stretches infinitely into the past and future. Innocently, we could think, this capability is identical to time traveling, but it is not. To clarify, such tracing of the past and future, cannot take into account the effects of metaphysical inconsistencies over our reality, which according to "Inconsistent", not only do they exist, but they are, in fact, the reason why any element we ever encountered came to exist, be it a materialistic element, or a "spiritual element". These metaphysical inconsistencies "degrade" the time tracing capabilities of "abnormal spirits" to merely "plausible predictions", which unsurprisingly, our reality persistently fails to realize. Moreover, as we progress in time, the effects metaphysical inconsistencies have over our reality surmount, biasing any consistent prediction away from the actual manner our past, or future, unfolds. In addition, it is possible, that after a critical temporal duration, the failure of spirits to predict metaphysical inconsistencies, may cause a "funnel effect", where all possibilities with respect to the future, begin to reflect only one pattern, namely, the reflection of the consciousness "accessing" these "abnormal spirits", as inevitably, being consciousnesses, we persistently inject our demonic influences, into any "spiritual manifestation". Theoretically, this may explain the so called "convergence of timelines", associated with what this text suggests, is an "abnormal spirits utilization apparatus", known in some circles as "the looking glass device". Still, for lack of verifiable data, let us refrain from analyzing this issue further.

No. Being "without time", the most impressive "metaphysical advantages", which "abnormal spirits" may possess, are those they have over the present. To clarify, the same independence from the physical world, which as we just explained, "disconnects" "abnormal spirits" from the physical flow of causality, may enable "abnormal spirits", to synchronize their effects, between as many different consciousnesses as they wish simultaneously, without the need to transmit any type of "signal", between the physical manifestations of these individuals. Actually, such a capability is not only possible, but also probable. To clarify, as "Delta Theory" suggested, the unique metaphysical capabilities of the dimension of consciousness, allows it to host elements within it, as manifestations of itself, creating a metaphysical link between our various impressions, which we later utilize, as we merge these impressions into the generalizations with which we think. Indeed, as we previously suggested, our animal body "forces us", to focus our use of the dimension of consciousness on the sensory stimulations we receive from our senses, which in turn, compartmentalizes each consciousness in its own hermetic internal mental world. Moreover, because each consciousness utilizes the dimension of consciousness individually, there may be incompatibilities between the manner our different consciousnesses compile our "spiritual" ingredients, causing a semantic incompatibility between "normal spirits", originating from different individuals. In analogy, it is as if, each consciousness utilizes a different alphabet, and a different grammar, resulting with the "normal spirits" of others, being incomprehensible to us.

However, being "free" from the enslavement of an animal body, "abnormal spirits" know no such limitations. "Abnormal spirits" are perfectly capable of establishing a telepathic link between individuals, effectively breaching the speed causality progresses in the physical world. In addition, "abnormal spirits" may possess the capability to "translate" our "normal spirits", so to create a "spiritual meta-language", with which we could all communicate, regardless of our different "neurological / spiritual background". Moreover, theoretically, "abnormal spirits" may be able to "merge" all the data they gather from their interactions with different consciousnesses, creating a "universal data pool" of human experiences, attained by all the consciousnesses "accessing" them, and actually, this may be the "universal consciousness", to which religious teachers, occultists, as well as spiritualists, refer in their teachings. To their defense, we should note, it is possible, some "abnormal spirits" may allow us to "access" such "universal data pools", providing humans with capabilities such as telepathy, and remote viewing. Actually, considering this, it is possible, that by "linking" with conscious beings light years away from us, we could "capture" photons, which left the earth, thousands of years ago, suggesting of yet another type of "time travelling capabilities", which "abnormal spirits" may possess. Still, as before, such capabilities cannot "tell us" of the effects metaphysical inconsistencies had over our reality, since the "departure" of these photons, suggesting the information we may extract from them, may be highly corrupted.
Still, on top of the fact, this entire debate stretches the limit of the term "farfetched" to absurd levels, we must remember, we are discussing "abnormal spirits". We are not discussing "normal" functions of our psyche, and as such, "accessing" them, may result with unknown, or undesired consequences. For example, supposing some governing parties would be able to access this "universal data pool", while most others could not, using it, they could "hack" into the thoughts of both their opposition, as well as of those they govern, providing them with all the "necessities", required to establish the "perfect" tyranny.

While surely, this "link of consciousness" is an "asset" for such alleged "abnormal spirits", still, there is one more capability we should consider, namely, the ability to merge this "universal data pool", with the ability of "abnormal spirits" to predict past and future occurrences, had they transpired consistently. To explain, the "universal data pool", to which we refer, consists of all the different perspectives of all our different consciousnesses. As such, this "data pool" is far from being "synchronized", as not only do we all have different opinions, additionally, due to the effects, which metaphysically inconsistent elements have over our psyche, our different consciousnesses reflect different realities. Indeed, had a traditional computer "accessed" this "data pool", it would have found it very hard to utilize. However, as we just mentioned, such analytic complexity imposes no challenge for "abnormal spirits", as they are not bound by the restrictions of materialistic causality. On the contrary, this abundance of contradictions serves to their advantage.
In what way? Well, it betters their capability to "see" into the past and future. To clarify, capable as they might be, "abnormal spirits" are still consistent elements, and as such, they cannot "foretell" the future, as they cannot "force" metaphysically inconsistent elements to realize their predictions. Moreover, they cannot track the manner, by which metaphysically inconsistent elements manipulated our reality in the past, and hence, their knowledge of the past, is distorted. For example, supposing an "abnormal spirit" would have encountered our reality, through the consciousness of an individual, in a delusional mind state, then obviously, the "perspective" , of which such an "abnormal spirit" would know, along with the consistent timeline it would suggest, would be very different from the reality, of which somewhat more "rational" individuals would know. Nevertheless, with a truly "universal" "data pool" at their disposal, and the understanding that metaphysically, all the consciousnesses "accessing" this cognitive collective, exist in the same physical world, "abnormal spirits" can yield very accurate predictions, with respect to the past and future. To explain, even if as consciousnesses, our perspectives are very different, and even if demonic influences distort much of the rationality, which our reality "should have" reflected, still, the majority of our experiences exhibit sensational uniformity among all of us. Therefore, with hyper-computational capabilities at their disposal, "abnormal spirits" can utilize this alleged "universal data pool" to converge on predictions, which are the most probable to occur, as they "fit best" with the collection of all the conscious beings "accessing" these "abnormal spirits". Still, again, even with this remarkable capability, beyond a certain point in time, in both the past, and the future, the entropy inconsistent elements yield on our reality will sway our reality away from these predictions, while the extrapolations "abnormal spirits" would perform over the data they collected from this "universal data pool", would erode its variance, and become a single prediction.
Actually, such a tendency of data analysis is already known in the field of neuroscience and machine learning, and is referred to as "overtraining". To clarify, essentially, "overtraining" is the result of a statistically learning machine, failing to generalize the patterns its training set reflects, and instead, learns to identify its training set as a collection of uncorrelated values, deeming it useless, when evaluating new data.

Allegorically, it is possible, the convergence of future predictions, of the alleged man-made time-travelling devices, known as "the looking glass", may reflect a similar process. To clarify, according to indeed unverified reports, these devices were backward engineered from alien technologies, and hence, it suggests a possible "link" with "abnormal spirits". Allegedly, the creators of these "devices", were somewhat baffled, why beyond an certain point in time, these devices yielded a single prediction, while when predicting events in the less distant future, they showed much variance. While obviously, we cannot verify such devices ever existed, still, it is possible, such devices exploit the predictive capabilities of "abnormal spirits", which again, fail to predict events, which metaphysical inconsistencies affect, and hence, the further into the future they attempt to predict, the more deterministic, and "unrealistic" their predictions become.
Moreover, considering the "evidence" we are discussing, probably, this text is "over trained" to its motivation. To clarify, it is possible, that although arguably, this text manages to find sense in the reports, with respect to our alleged visitors, it finds it, not because there is any, but rather because, it "over trained" our explanatory model, so to validate reports, which essentially, are but fabrications. Again, as I mentioned in the beginning of this text, I do not possess empirical knowledge, which can either validate, or refute, the claims this text suggests. Therefore, essentially, this entire text "proves" nothing, with respect to the notions it proposes, as it is possible, its arguments reflect a hidden tautology, carefully rooted in the reports it attempts to explain. To clarify, it is possible, the "whistle-blowers" providing us with the reports we attempt to explain, carefully selected details, which they knew, would initiate a tautological argument, meaning, an argument, which can neither be proven, or refuted. In simpler terms, just as the time predicting capabilities of "abnormal spirits" may actually be a "how to believe your own bullocks" crash course, it is possible, the same can be said, with respect to this entire text, with the small exception, that we are perfectly aware of our possible "self-deception".

Furthermore, it is possible, "abnormal spirits" utilize a somewhat similar method of "self-deception". In what way? Well, as we already mentioned, according to the psychological abnormal spirits hypothesis, "abnormal spirits" can affect our physical reality, only within the limitations of our human physiology. Therefore, physically, they are "bound" by the same limitations we know from our experience, suggesting that neither aliens, or their crafts, exist physically. Still, this does not imply, "abnormal spirits" do not exist, nor does it counter the fact, that most descriptions of U F O sightings, alien encounters, or abductions, are similar. It merely suggests, that this consistency does not reflect any type of physical persistence, but rather, the result of persistent consistent existence of "abnormal spirits" in the dimension of consciousness. To clarify, according to the psychological abnormal spirits hypothesis, again, such sightings occur, while our neural biology shifts into a different "mode" of operation, one in which we can witness these events, despite the fact, they do not occur physically. In some ways, metaphysically, such sightings are similar to the events transpiring in our dreams, events, which affect our consciousness, even though they do not transpire in the physical world. Still, because as we suggested previously, it is possible "abnormal spirits" manage to establish a "link" between several consciousnesses, theoretically, they may be able to "synchronize" the "delusions" they inflict, and hence, ensure we all sense similar experiences. As a result, understanding we all witness similar events, we persuade each other, our "abnormal spiritually influenced delusions" must be real. Indeed, such a suggestion sounds farfetched, as currently, we have no data to validate it. Nevertheless, we have no data to refute it either. Moreover, it is not that different from the manner, political parties, financial establishments, and religions, deceive the public, by adjusting the public's perception of reality, to the one most fitting their agenda.

Still, considering this suggestion, we might wonder, what is the difference between our shared delusions, and reality? To clarify, being consciousnesses, all we experience, we experience through our consciousnesses, and hence, supposing our social environment validates our experiences, the metaphysical essence of our experiences is simply irrelevant. While arguably, such a suggestion has its appeal, still, this somewhat "pro psychedelic" perspective is misleading, as it leaves two key factors "out of the equation", namely, our animal body, and the real gods.

In what way? Well, contrary to notions, somewhat popular among "spiritual teachers", and occultists, our animal body does not possess a consciousness. As "Delta Theory" explained, the manner our animal body utilizes the dimension of consciousness, demands the existence of many intersecting neural pathways. This complex constellation of neurons, along with the truly non-trivial method it manipulates the dimension of consciousness, simply does not exist anywhere else in our body, and hence, our animal body cannot experience our delusional sensations. If our animal body aches for food, or due to disease, it will not "care" for our deluded mind state. Unless we please its demands, it will ache even more, until eventually, it will die. In other words, the scope of such "spiritual deceptions" has a limit, which our biological necessities impose.

Still, we could claim, that similarly to the manner the Hollywood movie "The Matrix" depicted it, essentially, the physical world is but a shared delusion, which for some reason, we are all "jacked" into, and therefore, we could suggest, that by "selecting" the perception, with which "abnormal spirits" provide us, we are merely trading one delusion for another. Indeed, such a suggested is unsubstantiated, to say the least. Nevertheless, this suggestion does not breach any meta-metaphysical imperative, and as such, we should address it.
Still, arguably, addressing it, is not that much of a challenge, as there is one meta-metaphysical imperative, which must be true, regardless of our beliefs, namely, the existence of metaphysically inconsistent elements, or alternatively, the real gods, and from the perspective of their metaphysical omnipotence, it simply does not matter what we believe. The real gods are the force of nature motivating all our actions, and they quite simply do not "care" for the perceptional boundaries of our delusions, just as they do not "care" for any other metaphysical limitation. Moreover, as we already mentioned, the real gods affect every corner of our reality, be it mental, or physical, and as such, they will persistently disrupt any practice, which attempts to "subdue them", be it spiritually, or materialistically. To clarify, again, regardless of the metaphysical capabilities "abnormal spirits" may possess, they are truly nothing, when compared with the omnipotence of the real gods, for the simple fact, they exist in our consistent reality, and hence, they must be limited, exactly like all other consistent elements.

Section 6: Access.

Undoubtedly, something imposes a limit over "abnormal spirits". Despite their possibly remarkable capabilities, they are neither omniscient, or omnipotent. Their effects on our reality are local, rather than universal. For example, considering our suggestions, with respect to the "link" between "abnormal spirits", and our alleged visitors, it is certainly not "universal". Not all of us have witnessed U F Os, or been in contact with our alleged visitors. Moreover, not all of us believe they exist, while the existence of truly omniscient and omnipotent elements, namely, the real gods, is an inherent feature of our existence as consciousnesses, propagated by our sensations of pain, our wills, and our desires.
These limitations can provide us with additional understandings, with respect to "abnormal spirits". Even if theoretically, one day we would all be able to shift the "mode" of our consciousness, so to "access" these "abnormal spirits", currently, while some of us may be "accessing" "abnormal spirits", most of us do not. Therefore, in our current disposition, it is possible, there may discrepancies between our different perspectives, suggesting the metaphysical essence of our subjective realities are incompatible. To clarify, this conclusion is different from claiming we all have different "opinions", as it suggests, the metaphysical components compiling our experiences are of different types. However, because as both "Delta Theory" and "Inconsistent" argued, our consciousness is a consistent element, we cannot sense our self-awareness in two places, or worlds, simultaneously. Therefore, it suggests, that while objectively, all of us exist in the same physical world, subjectively, it is quite possible, the world we perceive is fundamentally different from the world others perceive.
For example, it is possible, that when two individuals, one with "access" to such "abnormal spirits", and one without, would look at the skies, the first would see a U F O, while the other would see but a cloud, or a star. Actually, considering "Delta Theory", and its suggestion regarding the possibility of life forms emerging in environments, very different from earth (such as in gas clouds, expanding in otherwise empty space for example), it is possible, that while we witness something truly unique, it is not what we think, namely, an alien vessel, but rather, an alien life form. Still, for the sake of simplicity, let us refrain from discussing this option, as essentially, it is irrelevant to the notions we discuss, with respect to our consciousness.

Regardless, it is possible, "abnormal spirits" mutate the inbound data we receive from our senses, so to reflect spatial dispositions, radically different from those existing in the physical world. Moreover, the same could apply to encounters with extraterrestrials, and perhaps, this is the reason there is so little unquestionable and verifiable photographed evidence of our alleged extraterrestrial visitors, as quite frankly, there is no such evidence, and whatever evidence we have, is forged. In simpler terms, it is possible, no one is "covering up" anything, as essentially, there is nothing to "cover up".

Indeed, similarly to the claims of "spiritual teachers" and occultists, we could have suggested, such discrepancies between the testimonies of two individuals, witnessing the same event, do not suggest "abnormal spirits" cause us to witness these strange occurrences, but rather the opposite. To clarify, as we previously suggested, it is possible, our neural biology "blinds us" from acknowledging the actual data we receive from our senses, suggesting that essentially, there is nothing "abnormal" about "abnormal spirits", and if there is an agent, which "disrupts" our perception, it is rooted in our neural biology, rather than in our "spiritual influences". Still, as we already explained, the fact we evolved to disregard such "spiritual influences", hints that as a specie, "accessing" "abnormal spirits", does not grant us an evolutional superiority. To clarify, while surely, possessing utilizable hyper computational capabilities, as well as remote viewing, telepathy, and the likes, might seem like an evolutional benefit, the evidence we have, with respect to our development as a civilization, suggests possessing such capabilities may be similar to the possession of nuclear weapons. They may be too "powerful" to "unleash", as once we "unleash" them, we initiate a process, which can only end with the extinction of our civilization. Moreover, assuming that indeed, mankind underwent a neurological devolution, so to "hide" the effects of "abnormal spirits" on our psyche, it is possible, such extinctions already transpired in our distant past. Alternatively, we could claim, that due to the somewhat "delusional" nature of "abnormal spirits' effects", "accessing" "abnormal spirits" results with a civilization, which is too "delusional" to thrive. To clarify, because such a civilization would rely on "spiritual elements" as its source of power, rather than materialistic elements, other civilizations, whom prefer materialistic machines over "spiritual weapons", could utilize their machines to conquer their somewhat "spiritual" adversaries, while their neural biology would allow them to remain indifferent to their adversaries' "spiritual acts of aggression". Considering our last suggestion, we should note, that this is in fact, what our historical records report.

Still, regardless of these possible hazards, supposing the abnormal spirits hypothesis is correct, and our strange interstellar visitations are but misinterpretations of "spiritual apparitions", it is possible, that currently, as a specie, we are backtracking our alleged historical neurological devolution. As a result, lately, "abnormal spirits" have been altering our perception of reality, so to perceive a reality reflecting their "design". In this reality, we find mixtures of our memories of the physical world, such as humanoids, and fantastic technologies, which these "abnormal spirits" compile, by extrapolating the knowledge they attain from "the universal consciousness". In many ways, these misconceptions resemble our dreams, with the small difference, that consistent elements design them, namely, these "abnormal spirits", rather than the real gods. To clarify, while surely, the real gods do not lose their mandate over such alleged "influenced" consciousnesses, still, as "Inconsistent" mentioned, the real gods "sure like variety", and as long as these "abnormal spirits" do not "clash" with the "plans" of the real gods, we should not expect them to "mind". Moreover, it is very possible, that throughout human history, the real gods both created, and utilized "abnormal spirits", so to inflict inconsistent changes on our reality. Actually, "abnormal spirits" may be the "preferable choice" of the real gods, when attempting to affect us angelically. To clarify, while surely, the real gods may utilize "abnormal spirits" to manipulate our dreams, and possibly, to manipulate hallucinations, with which narcotics may induce us, additionally, they may be utilizing them, when we are both wakeful, and sober, navigating our lives, through perceptional deceptions.
In other words, it is possible, not all of our memories of events transpiring in our lives, really transpired, as it is possible, "abnormal spirits" have induced us with some of these memories. Actually, this may be true even if "abnormal spirits" do not exist, as if you have not noticed, such delusions, are but another name to mental disorders, which sadly, are not a hypothesis, but rather, a fact of life. Still, as "Inconsistent" argued, with respect to the worlds we encounter in our dreams, we should note, that essentially, there is nothing "lesser" about the mental worlds, with which "abnormal spirits" may induce us. To clarify, again, complexity of detail does not impose a challenge for "abnormal spirits", suggesting that sensually, such "spiritual deceptions" can be as convincing as our reality. Moreover, because such delusional worlds are metaphysically consistent, they must exhibit all the features of consistent worlds, such as reflecting a consistent flow of causality from the beginning of time. In other words, even though "abnormal spirits" may create such worlds "on the fly", in these fabricated world, we could find historical evidence of events, which allegedly, existed in these fabricated worlds since ancient times, while in actuality, neither this evidence, or the worlds, in which we will find them, would exist in the physical world.

Innocently, we could think, that the fact, such worlds do not exist physically, should comfort us, as it reassures the stability of our materialistic existence. However, sadly, the opposite is true. In what way? Well, even if our consciousness dwells in a fabricated world, created by such "abnormal spirits", still, again, our consciousness cannot perceive two different worlds simultaneously, while similarly to when we dream, our body is bound to exist in only one world, namely, the physical world. Therefore, knowing we no longer experience the physical world, but rather a fabricated mental world, which "abnormal spirits" created, we have to wonder, supposing during such times, we are neither asleep, or in a coma, "who", or better said, "what", controls our materialistic animal body? What do we actually do? How do we actually affect the physical world, along with our fellow conscious "partners" to our reality? Who pilots our biological bipedal vehicle?

Section 7: Incarnation.

Well, the first, most probable option, is no one, meaning, that such "access" leads us to the mental state, to which usually, we refer as insanity. To clarify, supposing nothing else "controls us" during such periods, whenever we are awake, we are bound to exhibit the same behaviors in the physical world, as we do in our internal mental world, causing us to seem as if we see, hear, and talk with non-existing entities, and engage in essentially nonexistent activities.

While this option seems very much undesired, arguably, its alternative is far worse. To clarify, if during wakefulness, our consciousness dwells in a mental world, fundamentally different from the one the physical world reflects, while at the same time, somehow, we manage to integrate well into our society, without raising suspicion of insanity, it suggests, our consciousness no longer controls our animal body, and hence, "something else" must control it. Therefore, considering the element, which is causing us to shift away from the true reflection of the physical world, it suggests, that as we allow "access" to "abnormal spirits", in actuality, we are handing out our animal body for these "spirits" to control. In other words, our animal body, becomes an avatar, with which these alleged "abnormal spirits" can interact with the physical world.

To explain, obviously, we could just as well suggest, this never transpires, and that people who claim to have "access" to such "abnormal spirits", are charlatans. Moreover, we could claim, "abnormal spirits" cannot manipulate our consciousness to such a degree, that we would detach from our materialistic existence, without us even being aware, our animal body is doing things fundamentally different from those we believe. Still, there is no meta-metaphysical imperative to prevent it, and as such, we should consider it.

I will name my suggestion, with respect to this alleged psychological "mode" of existence, as the "psychological Nephilim spirit hypothesis". I chose to use the "Nephilim" connotation, as at such psychological dispositions, allegedly, our personality "merges" with these "abnormal spirits", "spiritually transforming us" to a "hybrid" of our learned and born instinctive behavioral patterns, and of such "abnormal spirits". Therefore, considering that as we just mentioned, metaphysically, such "abnormal spirits" may be the essence of the beings, to which we usually refer as "angels", in some ways, such "hybrids" are analogous to the beings, to which the western monotheist bible refers, as the "Nephilims", meaning, the offspring of angels, and humans. Still, we should note, that again, such "Nephilims" are my invention, and as such, their essence may be radically different from their etymological biblical connotation.

Still, just as the bible was blunt in its negative attitude toward the Nephilims, the existence of psychological Nephilims is an unsettling possibility. But why? Well, while indeed, "abnormal spirits" are neither human, nor should they share our common fears, superstitions, and anxiety, once they seize control over our animal body, they may certainly feel the same sensations we feel, such as the fear of death, for example.

This possibility "opens a door" for several new, possibly undesired consequences. To explain, we should remember how we defined "spirits" originally. We did not suggest they are "intelligent". "Spirits" were but a different name, to consistent logical constructs, existing in the dimension of consciousness. While indeed, we suggested several capabilities, which "abnormal spirits" may possess, and which "normal spirits" do not, none of these included characteristics, which we usually associate with life forms, such as life, death, the desire to live, eat, reproduce, and the likes.

This all changes, with the introduction of psychological Nephilims. Once overtaking our animal body, our body "commands" psychological Nephilims to feel all the sensations we feel, and answer to its biological necessities. As a result, psychological Nephilims may react in a manner, as hysterical as ours, if not worse, as all in all, for psychological Nephilims, such sensations are "new", as prior to the overtaking of our consciousness, they were but a collection of unintelligent dimensions. Still, because psychological Nephilims are "spiritually influenced, they may retain their "link" with their "abnormal spiritual nature" as well, as without such a link, the original conscious occupants of the animal bodies they overtook, may lose their "access" to these "Nephilim yielding spirits", and hence, regain control over their bodies. Therefore, while biologically, such individuals would remain completely human, their cognitive capabilities may include telepathy, remote viewing, and easily accessible hyper-computational capabilities, and hence, technologically, they would be significantly superior to "normal humans", which quite possibly, would perceive them as "godlike". Moreover, because psychological Nephilims share a metaphysical "link" through the dimension of consciousness, they could easily consolidate their efforts, and supposing this hypothesis is correct (an unsettling possibility, I agree), it is possible, they have done so in the past, and in the present. In other words, with respect to the global fear of an "alien invasion", it is possible, there are no "aliens", but there is an invasion, originating from none other than the dimension of consciousness, the metaphysical enabler of our self-awareness.
Still, as technologically advanced as they may be, we should not expect psychological Nephilims to comprehend their metaphysical essence. To explain, just as the delusions, which "abnormal spirits" utilize to overtake our animal body, would most probably be as vivid as our wakeful reality, the same may apply to the "hybrid" consciousness of psychological Nephilims. Therefore, we should not expect psychological Nephilims to "know" their metaphysical origins were unintelligent, as probably, they cannot "remember" anything from the time, their existence was "purely spiritual".
Considering this, it is not that different from our inability to remember the time prior to our birth, or our sensations during dreamless sleep, as it possible, there is nothing to remember. Considering this, we should expect, that as "abnormal spirits" overtake our animal bodies, they would "plant" fictional memories, which would explain their existence as consistent, and continuous, quite like the sensation we feel in our dreams, that we "belong" in our dream worlds. Therefore, we should expect, that while again, biologically, psychological Nephilims would remain human, they would believe they are "different" from "normal humans", and most probably, they would attribute this difference to delusions, they are of different "origins" than that of humans. Considering this, it is possible, some of what we otherwise refer to as "secret societies", represent such social collectives.
Moreover, considering the possibility, psychological Nephilims may retain their "link" with "the universal consciousness", it is possible, they could suggest, the existence of other "plains of existence", which in turn, may explain our reports, with respect to what is otherwise known as "extra dimensionals". To clarify, psychological Nephilims are definitely not of a "higher dimension". They simply utilize the dimension of consciousness differently from the manner our neural biology utilizes it normally. Still, because psychological Nephilims exploit several inter-dimensional metaphysical relations, such terminological confusions are likely to occur.
Actually, such confusions should not surprise us. To clarify, again, regardless of their possibly remarkable cognitive capabilities, psychological Nephilims are bound to have poor introspection capabilities, as by overtaking our animal body, while keeping us in a delusional mind state, inevitably, they must utilize large portions of our brain to maintain these delusions, which in turn, may result with several psychological "limitations". Still, we should note, the special cognitive capabilities of psychological Nephilims, such as telepathy, remote viewing, and high technological skills, set them apart from lunatics and charlatans. In other words, this text does not suggest tolerance to mental diseases, or anything of the sort.

Section 8: Supremacy.

You do not have to say it. I know. This hypothesis sounds very farfetched. However, it is not necessarily unsubstantiated. A short review, with respect to our technological advancement in space technologies, shows their origins began with the Nazi rocket development program, and it has been suggested, the Nazis made some sort of "treaty" with extraterrestrials, in an attempt to achieve world domination. Still, there is more to it. According to several (quite likely bogus) historical sources, the Nazi’s technological pursuit, was somehow "linked" with their research into the occult. Moreover, we could argue, the Nazi conviction, they were of a "superior race", "echoes" our suggestions, with respect to the manner psychological Nephilims form "secret societies". While surely, there is no need to rewrite our history, just to affirm my fiction, still, regardless, considering that indeed, the Nazis have made formidable technological advancements, both during world war two, as well as later, in the American space program (through what is otherwise known as "operation paper clip"), it suggests the possibility, this alleged Nazi research, involved successful attempts to "access" "abnormal spirits". Moreover, as we will soon discuss, such successful attempts may suggest a possible, somewhat "spiritual" motif, for the Nazis inexplicable hatred toward Judaism.
As unsettling as the psychological Nephilim spirits hypothesis may be, along with its possible Nazi historical connection, arguably, it is "nothing" when compared with the physical Nephilim spirits hypothesis. To clarify, according to the physical Nephilim spirits hypothesis, the "Nephilim yielding spirits" we discussed previously, can yield more than merely "delusions". They can yield physical elements as well, including their physical manifestations, to which currently, we refer as extraterrestrials, and which are in fact, figments of our minds, incarnated into matter. According to this hypothesis, "abnormal spirits" can utilize the "link" to the physical world, which they attain through our consciousnesses, so to manipulate physical elements directly, meaning, beyond the limitations our animal body imposes. To clarify, contrary to the somewhat confusing name I selected for them, metaphysically, "physical Nephilim yielding spirits" are still nothing more that consistent logical constructs, existing in the dimension of consciousness. However, contrary to their "psychological counterparts", the physical Nephilim spirits hypothesis suggests, that by allowing "physical Nephilim yielding spirits" to overtake our animal bodies, we grant them a "metaphysical access" to the physical world, which they can exploit, so to "insert", or "evict", physical elements, into or out of our reality. The level of complexity, of the physical elements, which physical Nephilims can manipulate, may vary, from mere floating light sources, emerging out of thin air, to fully fledged animals, machines, planets, stars, or even galaxies. Still, we should note, that regardless, "physical Nephilim yielding spirits" depend on us, or similar self-aware species, as a most valuable resource, not so different from the manner our contemporary society depends on fossil fuels, as through us, through our consciousnesses, or more specifically, through our demonic influences, they become as potent as gods.

Moreover, it is possible, "physical Nephilim yielding spirits" can utilize our demonically influenced consciousnesses, to transfer matter across unlimited physical distances, through the dimension of consciousness, in the blink of an eye. Alternatively, they may be able to convert technological blue prints into their physical manifestation, in a heartbeat. Furthermore, we should note, that the physical Nephilim spirit hypothesis is an "extension" of the psychological Nephilim spirit hypothesis, suggesting these capabilities extend those we already suggested, with respect to psychological Nephilims.

Still, obviously, the implications of their existence, are very different. To explain, according to the physical Nephilim spirit hypothesis, once incarnated in the physical world, physical Nephilims can open "portals", or alternatively, "wormholes", in any region of our universe, where there are life forms, who utilize the dimension of consciousness, in a fashion similar to the manner our neural biology utilizes it, meaning, as an inconsistent metaphysical "gateway", or alternatively, "wormhole", between otherwise irrelevant worlds. In addition, using the technology they construct, they can create vehicles, so to transfer self-aware conscious beings such as ourselves across vast regions of space, hence, ever extending the span of their demonically driven method of transport. In addition, we should expect, that being so dependent on the demonic influences they "harvest", they explore the universe, while searching for demonically influenced life forms, such as those found on earth.

To explain, it is possible, the physical Nephilim spirits hypothesis is true, even if our alleged extraterrestrial visitors arrived to our region of the universe, using physical spaceships, rather than through the "spiritual portals of consciousness" we just mentioned. According to this possibility, they were seeking new sources for demonic influences, which they found abundantly on earth, and which as a side effect of their merger with our consciousnesses, along with our humanoid self-awareness, and our "human flavored spiritual conceptual basis", resulted with them exhibiting a humanoid physiology and psychology, while essentially, they have no "native physical form", as all in all, they are still "spirits", meaning, their "prime dimension of manifestation" is the dimension of consciousness. Actually, with respect to our suggestions regarding the somewhat unconventional technological research of the Nazis, it is quite possible, the only reason they noticed our existence, is because we "called them in". To clarify, indeed, such "physical Nephilim yielding spirits" may have affected humans in the past, but somehow (and we will soon explain one possible method "how"), they were eradicated. Moreover, again, contrary to the notions many suggest, neither "spirits", or Nephilims, are capable of true time travel, and hence, they could not have "shifted" to more hospitable times, suggesting their current emergence does not represent a continuation of our ancient history, but rather a new "spiritual infestation". To clarify, again, "spirits" are consistent elements, and as such, they can know only our current timeline, a timeline, which our reality reflects only in the present, and which due to our inability to predict metaphysical inconsistencies, does not reflect the true course of our history.
Additionally, we should note, that it is possible, physical Nephilims, are but a subset, of what we otherwise refer to as extraterrestrials, while there may be other "true blood aliens" visiting our planet. Still, if this is indeed the case, we should not expect, these "aliens" share our humanoid physiology, and if they do, it is probably because, they "borrowed" our biological genetic heritage, and merged it with their non-humanoid biological origins, so to be able to live in an earthly environment. While arguably, this suggestion may be valid, still, it does not explain any alleged interactions of these aliens with our ancient ancestors. To clarify, undoubtedly, earthly environments are hard to come by, and being limited to physical methods of transport, it is improbable they could survive such long interstellar journeys, especially while sustaining a humanoid form. Alternatively, we could claim, the "aliens" to which we refer as "the Grays", are not physical Nephilims, but rather, genetic mutations of our ancestors, which have left the earth in ancient times, and which due to their deep space journey, underwent either a "designed" or "natural" evolutionary process, resulting with their limbs becoming muscle-less (as physical strength is very much irrelevant in a zero gravity environment), and their eyes and retinas growing bigger (so to be able to navigate better in the vast darkness of space). Still, on top of the fact, this is but an unsubstantiated speculation, again, it does not explain the existence of several humanoid alien races, the metaphysical essence of extra dimensionals, nor any special fascination with our consciousness. Moreover, considering my experience, it does not explain the coincidental timing, at which I had my U F O sightings, and while nothing demands it should, again, such a suggestion is but one speculation.
Considering this, we should note, the alleged connection between contemporary U F O sightings, and spirituality, could be a carefully designed fabrication. To clarify, as I suggested previously, as well as in the post "2012, from fears to Camelot", our reports, with respect to our extraterrestrial visitors, alien technologies, extra dimensionals, etc., all seem to exploit our inability to question their implications empirically. Not a single "source" or "whistle blower" provides us with information, which we can "test" with our experience. Therefore, it suggests the possibility, these reports reflect a carefully planned disinformation scheme, which utilizes our unsubstantiated superstitions, as a "red herring" we blindly follow, diverting our attention from the real issues our reality reflects, which may, or may not, involve interstellar visitors. To clarify, there must be a reason, why on the popular website "You Tube" (which to remind you, is owned by Google, an American company, subject to American laws and regulations), we can find so many videos, suggesting of both the existence of aliens, as well as the alleged conspiracies our governments carries out, without any source of power forcing the removal of such media. Supposing there is truth in the reports these videos document, there must be a real source of power, allowing, or even motivating this tendency. Moreover, as I confessed in the closure chapter of "Inconsistent", the "love story" to which I referred in section 2, transpired only through cyber channels, and hence, I can speculate one rather easy method, by which such a disinformation scheme can be realized, namely, cyber espionage. While this does not explain my coincidental sightings of U F Os, and while surely, I find such a suggestion, too hysterical to be taken seriously, arguably, it is possible, I do not comprehend the circumstances, which justify such a strange "cyber conspiracy".

In contrast, the physical Nephilim spirits hypothesis can explain almost all of the reports and testimonies, with respect to our alleged visitors, including my experience. According to this hypothesis, indeed, these "aliens" came to earth to breed, but not as animals. They came to breed as spirits. Surely, these "aliens" care for the condition of our earthly Eco system, but not because of love, but rather because of their "greed" for its demonic abundance. To clarify, regardless if there may be life forms on other planets, one cannot help but notice, our planet is much more "lively" than the barren surfaces of mars, and it is quite possible, it thrives this much, not because the earth has liquid water, an atmosphere rich with oxygen, or a protective magnetic field, but rather because, earth is in the center of a "demonic vortex", an area of space, in which for some reason, the real gods "love" to create, a "garden of Eden" so to speak. While we take it as obvious, our "spiritual visitors" know how special it is, and they will not let us destroy or harm it, as they have "big plans" how to utilize it, in their quest for "world domination". Moreover, it is possible, that using their "spiritual method of manifestation", "physical Nephilim yielding spirits" have infiltrated our society, as they convince more and more individuals, to "access" them through the dimension of consciousness, promising them riches beyond their wildest dreams, propagated through their "spiritual delusions", while at the same time, preparing to take over the earth. Actually, this may explain the rumors, with respect to the desires of some governments to dramatically reduce the world population, as it is possible, that similarly to the reports of several "whistle blowers", our governments established "contact" with these physical Nephilims, and in exchange for technological knowledge and know-how, they have agreed to reduce the earthly human population, to a controllable number.

So are we doomed for? Is this it? Dear listener. As I stressed in the introduction of this text, this text is my invention. It is an explanation, which I compiled according to the reports and testimonies, which I heard on the Internet, and if they are not genuine, neither should these hypotheses be valid, regardless if they negate meta-metaphysical imperatives or not. Still, we should wonder. How come they have not taken us over yet? If indeed, physical Nephilims are so powerful and "greedy", what are they waiting for? What is holding them back? If they require our consciousnesses, why do they need to reduce the earth's population? Moreover, supposing the Nazis did indeed "access" these "abnormal spiritual forces", how come they lost the war?

Section 9: Countermeasures.

Well, obviously, we cannot give a definite answer to this question. To explain, first, we did not prove our suggestions, with respect to either physical or psychological Nephilims, and hence, our suggestions are speculative by default. Secondly, being but speculations, which we extrapolated over partial and potentially misleading data, supposing our suggestions are correct, naturally, there may be many aspects of such "Nephilim yielding spirits", which we did not consider. Still, even without validation, or additional credible data, we can assume, that regardless, there is one difficulty, which "Nephilim yielding spirits" face, with respect to their prime metaphysical resource, namely, the real gods. To clarify, unlike the somewhat unpredictable manner, by which we utilize the dimension of consciousness, along with our demonic influences, allowing them to carry us to emotional unrest, pain, or dreams, weirder than our most insane thoughts, "Nephilim yielding spirits" utilize metaphysical inconsistencies in a much more "instrumental" manner.
Still, being metaphysically consistent elements, "Nephilim yielding spirits" simply cannot "tame" the real gods, and hence, we should expect, many of their "plans" fail, exactly because, they utilize their somewhat exotic metaphysical capabilities. For example, it is possible, physical Nephilims would attempt to "teleport" a shipment of conscious demonically influenced beings, through a "portal", or alternatively, "wormhole", in the dimension of consciousness, only to find a collection of crazed rubber chickens, emerging on the other end. Alternatively, the real gods may cause many Nephilims to "forget" who they are, where they are from, and what is their agenda, leaving them as homeless hobos, aimlessly searching for the reason they came to exist.

Still, it is possible, there is an additional "force", which may be resisting the Nephilims we discussed, a historical "spiritual watchdog", constructed thousands of years ago, so to ensure our freedom. I am referring to our religious teachings and morality. To clarify, indeed, as "Inconsistent" argued, no existing religion reflects a genuine understanding of the meta-metaphysical principles, on which we base our current discussion, and hence, their understanding of their teachings, is partial by default. Nevertheless, effectively, contemporary religious teachings, and more specifically, western monotheism, reflect enforcement of understandings and beliefs, which reduce the potential for "Nephilim yielding spirits" to utilize our consciousness in the manners we described.

In what way? Well, first, as "Inconsistent" suggested, the prime idea behind monotheism, namely, the existence of an invisible, omniscient, and omnipotent god, which allegedly, can create anything from nothing, shows much resemblance with the real gods. Indeed, as "Inconsistent" suggested, this understanding is somewhat shrouded by moral misconceptions, such as those suggesting "god" must be just and good, while the real gods are untrustworthy inconsistent tyrants. Still, considering the real gods do not require we worship them, nor know their true nature, and considering the fact, "Nephilim yielding spirits" may offer us many "treats", so that through our consciousnesses, we would allow them "access" to the physical world, we could argue, suggesting the real gods are "just" is an oratorical necessity, as it allows us to utilize our desire for "divine providence", so to persuade us to follow beliefs, which could prevent such "access". Moreover, considering the possible link between these alleged "Nephilim yielding spirits", and atrocities such as those the second world war unleashed, we could claim, the real gods inconsistent and untrustworthy tendencies are relatively "harmless".

Still, there is more to it. By inhibiting us with the belief, that while god is omniscient, omnipotent, yet physically intangible, western monotheism counters the "seeing is believing" argument, which "Nephilim yielding spirits" may utilize, as means to influence us. In addition, western monotheism, as well as many other religions, tells us to distant ourselves from bodily pleasures, making us even less susceptible to the influences of such "Nephilim yielding spirits", as effectively, by adopting such an anti-sensual morality, we undermine the significance of almost any "temptation", with which "Nephilim yielding spirits" may provide us, "tricking us", so to allow them "access" to the physical world.
Still, we should note, this alleged somewhat "devious" method of persuasion, does not imply, "Nephilim yielding spirits" are "evil". No. They cannot be "evil", as all in all, they are but consistent logical constructs, or alternatively, they are but "particles" existing in the dimension of consciousness. Prior to "merging" with our consciousness, "Nephilim yielding spirits" are neither self-aware, or intelligent, and hence, on their own, they cannot be "evil". They are "merely dangerous". In many ways, their "method of manifestation" is similar to the means of survival animals utilize, which often include "devious trickstery", as they tempt their future prey, into traps of their design. To clarify, indeed, as we previously mentioned, "spirits" do not consist of physical matter, and hence, they are not life forms. Nevertheless, they are still consistent elements, and as such, they "obey" the same principles of natural selection life forms obey. In other words, supposing "Nephilim yielding spirits" exist, they exist simply because they can, as no element prevents it. It is only us humans, with our human methods of moral evaluation, that can attribute a moral implication to their existence, a fabrication, which as "Delta Theory" suggested, is but one feature of the manner our neural biology utilizes the dimension of consciousness.

Nevertheless, as you probably suspected, it is possible, "Nephilim yielding spirits" are in fact, the "demons", of which Christianity warns us. To clarify, the existence of "Nephilim yielding spirits" does not affirm the existence of a "soul", which according to Christian religious teachings, "demons" attempt to rob from us. Still, from the perspective of individuals, who do not understand the metaphysical essence of the "Nephilim yielding spirits' necessities", it is easy to confuse the function of our consciousness, as a metaphysically inconsistent "gateway" between otherwise irrelevant worlds, as our "soul". To explain, surely, this metaphysical function of our consciousness is "unique". Nevertheless, as "Inconsistent" suggested, being consistent elements, we cannot share the attributes of metaphysically inconsistent elements, and hence, we cannot "own" this "gateway", suggesting it is not "our soul", simply because it is not "ours", but rather, one of the potentially infinite manners, by which the real gods affect our reality.
Moreover, if we consider the notion of "free will", with which according to the teachings of Christianity, we are to "defeat" our "demons", again, as "Inconsistent" argued, it is yet another manifestation of the real gods. To explain, as "Delta Theory" suggested, our wills and desires spore from our sensations of pain. For example, when we feel we want to eat, epistemologically, we feel sensations of pain, to which we usually refer as "hunger". Still, as "Inconsistent" argued, sensations of pain represent metaphysical inconsistencies, allowing irrelevant worlds to affect one another. Therefore, because as "Inconsistent" argued, our consciousnesses are consistent elements, whatever is governing our wills cannot be "free", but rather "controlled" by the real gods. Nevertheless, being "controlled" by metaphysically inconsistent elements, rather than by consistent "Nephilim yielding spirits", theoretically, we possess a "metaphysical freedom", which "Nephilim yielding spirits" cannot possess, allowing us to resist their "temptations", regardless of their exotic metaphysical merits.

Section 10: Rivalry.

Undoubtedly, the metaphysical essence of "Nephilim yielding spirits" is confusing. As we already mentioned, in comparison, the metaphysical essence of "spirits", "normal", "abnormal", "Nephilim yielding", or otherwise, is simpler than that of human consciousnesses. Again, metaphysically, "spirits" are equivalent to particles, which instead of expanding into a volume of physical space, expand into a "volume" of the dimension of consciousness. Therefore, as we previously mentioned, metaphysically, "spirits" are somewhat "lesser" than us. Nevertheless, if we consider physical Nephilims, arguably, from our perspective, it appears, once they merge with our consciousness, their metaphysical capabilities match those of the real gods. While indeed, as we explained previously, the real gods can fundamentally disrupt all these capabilities, still, essentially, such alleged physical Nephilims can create physical objects out of thin air, a metaphysical capability, otherwise reserved to no one but the real gods.

Considering this, we should expect, that once "physical Nephilim yielding spirits" merge with human consciousnesses, they would be "unhappy" to say the least. To explain, while potentially, their metaphysical capabilities are "godlike", to realize them, they must depend on the limited consistent manifestation of human consciousnesses. Moreover, as we suggested previously, it is possible, the real gods utilize such "Nephilim yielding spirits" to yield their angels, which as "Inconsistent" argued, are but disposable "tools", with which the real gods inflict inconsistent changes on our reality. Therefore, again, unsurprisingly, from the perspective of a human consciousness, which has merged with a "Nephilim yielding spirit", such a disposition may cause it to wonder, why should it serve the interests of the real gods, rather than its own? Why should it serve as a "tool" to meddle with limited consistent humans?
Indeed, such a conviction shows a radical misconception, with respect to meta-metaphysics, as essentially, all the "powers", which Nephilims harness, are but a side-effect of the fact, they do not exist physically, and hence, nothing can limit their physical attributes, as they have none. Still, arguably, considering that essentially, "Nephilim yielding spirits" gain their cognitive capabilities from all the consciousnesses with which they merge, this is understandable. To clarify, as we previously suggested, Nephilims extrapolate their knowledge and technology, by "merging" the collective data, which "the universal consciousness" harnesses, and therefore, they are prone to prefer extrapolations, which reflect ideas shared by many consciousnesses, rather than by a selected few. Therefore, because as theories, currently, both "Delta Theory" and "Inconsistent" are marginal, we should not expect, such Nephilims would find these theories significant, regardless if as a result, they would remain ignorant of their metaphysical origins.

Still, understanding the somewhat "simple" metaphysical essence of "Nephilim yielding spirits", may shed some light, with respect to additional Nephilim features. To clarify, indeed, as we previously mentioned, being "free" of a materialistic manifestation, "Nephilim yielding spirits" have hyper-computational capabilities at their disposal, and hence, they are "as smart" as their "smartest medium" could ever be. However, because unlike human consciousnesses, "Nephilim yielding spirits" are not "blessed" with demonic influences, or alternatively, because "Nephilim yielding spirits" exploit our demonic influences as a "metaphysical fuel", rather than as a conceptual disruptor, on their own, "Nephilim yielding spirits" cannot undergo intellectual "paradigm shifts", such as the one both "Delta Theory" and "Inconsistent" suggest. To gain such knowledge, "Nephilim yielding spirits" depend on "untouched" human consciousnesses, who through the practice "Inconsistent" referred to as "demon casting", break through the boundaries of existing intellectual paradigms.

Arguably, this suggestion may shed a new light on our historical evidence, with respect to the link between art and religion. To explain, as "Inconsistent" suggested, art is a preferable demon casting medium, allowing us to explore our demonically influenced concepts to the full, unbound by some of the limitations of the physical world, such as for example, the universal laws of physics. Indeed, such a creational method is limited, as while demon casting in the realm of art, the objects we create, exist in the physical world, only as representations, while their semantic meaning exists only in our minds, and hence, we may not be able to extrapolate useful applications from them. To clarify, if for example, we demon cast in the realm of fiction literature, the events we describe in our fiction, do not transpire in the physical world, regardless if allegorically, they symbolize ideas we know from our reality. Nevertheless, if we consider the western monotheist bible as an artwork, then obviously, its significance to our culture and civilization is tremendous, regardless of its historical validity.

Still, as significant as art may be, it is marginal, when compared with its non-fictional realization. For example, with respect to our contemporary technologies, if we consider the Hollywood movie "Minority Report", while undoubtedly, the touch technology it depicted, has launched an ensemble of technological advancements, it is only once these technologies reached our doorstep, through various mobile devices, that they actually affected our lifestyle. Therefore, considering our suggestions, with respect to the metaphysical limitations, from which "physical Nephilim yielding spirits" suffer, we should expect, such "spirits" would be very much interested in our demon casts, as unlike us, their ability to create physical elements is not bound by our materialistic physiology, suggesting "physical Nephilim yielding spirits" could realize that which we can only depict.

Still, to demon cast, one must be demonically influenced, and again, the manner "physical Nephilim yielding spirits" manipulate our demonic influences, does not grant them this mental capacity. To clarify, "Nephilim yielding spirits" quite simply cannot demon cast. Their seeming omnipotence has nothing to do with metaphysical omnipotence, and all in all, while indeed, once they merge with our consciousness, physically, their capabilities are "abnormal", still, they are completely "normal" in meta-metaphysical terms, meaning, they are consistent elements. Alternatively, we could rephrase our last statement, and claim, "Nephilim yielding spirits" are machines, existing in the dimension of consciousness, unaware of their existence, unless experienced by the consciousness, with which they merged. Still, arguably, even a "machine" can "calculate" the value of merging "vision" with "ability", and hence, we should expect, "Nephilim yielding spirits" would be interested in all human endeavors, which qualify as demon casts, as quite frankly, with every demon we cast into an artwork or otherwise, physical Nephilims significantly increase their creational capacity, and overall potential for universal domination.

Therefore, it is not that surprising, that the more a religion cherishes "tangible" gods, meaning, gods we can experience sensually, the more it cherishes the arts. To explain, the more a religion cherishes our sensed experiences, associating "spirituality" with physical manifestations, the more it distances itself from the inconsistent metaphysical essence of the real gods, while reflecting more and more Nephilim associations. Therefore, supposing the "gods" of such "sensual religions" are in fact, physical Nephilims, we should expect, these "gods" would welcome the company of artworks and artists, as essentially, these "gods" utilize the demon casted creations of these artists, to further enhance their technological arsenal, with which they establish their "reign". In contrast, the more the "divinities" a religion cherishes are intangible, such as the one Judaism follows for example, the more such "divinities" resemble the real gods, lessening the need of such religions for "demon casters", or alternatively, artists. Moreover, with respect to Judaism, it went a step further in its rejection of demon casters, forbidding the act of artistic creation on its followers, as expressed in the 2nd commandment "Thou Shalt Not Make Graven Images", suggesting it is possible, Judaism struggled against the effects of "Nephilim yielding spirits" from its very beginning. Therefore, as we previously suggested, it is possible, this historical "struggle" between Judaism and the influence of "Nephilim yielding spirits" served as a prime motivator for much of the anti-Semitic tendencies of "Nephilim yielding spirits" enthusiasts, such as for example, the Nazis.

Considering this, we should note, that according to our historical evidence, regardless of size, there is not even a single work of art, which allegedly, a "god" created. Even though the "gods" of which our religions and mythologies speak are all powerful, and can create practically any object in our reality out of thin air, for some reason, "art" is beyond them. To clarify, indeed, it has been claimed, the western monotheist god has written the "Torah", which arguably, is a work of art. However, others have claimed the western monotheist god wrote "merely" the ten commandments, and considering their shorthand "style", they do not "stand out" for their esthetic qualities. In addition, if we consider the "crop circles" phenomenon, which many attributed with extraterrestrials, and which according to our hypothesis, are none other than the Nephilims we discussed, while arguably, they show some esthetic grace, still, when compared with the works of Leonardo de Vinci, they show little creativity, or imagination. If anything, they seem as if a computer program created them, which according to our suggestions, with respect to the consistent metaphysical essence of their alleged creators, it is not that surprising.

Indeed, we could claim, that the more the divinities a religion cherishes are abstract and conceptual, the less it cherishes our sensuality, simply because, such emphasis is consistent with its teachings. However, a quick review of existing religions, can easily challenge this assertion. For example, if we consider Hinduism, while undoubtedly, some of its religious teachings are quite abstract, mostly, its teachings do not include moralities, which promote asceticism, while at the same time, suggest a somewhat desired merger with "something higher", which perhaps, in actuality, is a reference to the "universal consciousness", hinting of its possible "link" with "Nephilim yielding spirits" of some type.
Arguably, we can find a somewhat different example in Christianity, which undoubtedly, showed great interest in the arts throughout the ages. To clarify, while surely, Christianity is a western monotheist religion, still, its theological variation suggests a possible "merger" (however unique) between the western monotheist god (meaning, an inconsistent element), and a humanoid physical being (namely, Jesus Christ), which again, could in fact be signaling a "link" with "Nephilim yielding spirits". Therefore, we could suggest, Christianity represents a "spiritual tactical status quo", where "Nephilim yielding spirits" are allowed to "access" our consciousness, within "accepted limits", while due to its western monotheist heritage, still shows some "respect" to the real gods, which could explain its historical successfulness.

Still, our contemporary reality suggests, some "Nephilim yielding spirits" attempt to "question" this "status quo", and with reasonable success. To clarify, generally, according to the "Nephilim spirits hypothesis", Satanism, paganism, Scientology, and occultists in general, represent a collection of consciousnesses, which potentially, "Nephilim yielding spirits" may influence. Apparently, these "Nephilims" realized their metaphysical potential, and perhaps due to their low introspection capabilities, the result of "the avatar effect" we mentioned previously, decided it is time to be the true rulers of our reality. Moreover, being so "linked" with their "spiritual" nature, the forces on this "spiritual party" refuse to accept the existence and authority of the real gods, despite their imminent dependency on them, as the "force", which fuels their exotic metaphysical capabilities.

Therefore, as we just mentioned, it is not that surprising, that both the Nazis (who allegedly, were occult enthusiasts), as well as Christianity (which as we suggested, despite its western monotheist association, hints of a possible link with "Nephilim yielding spirits"), were very much antagonistic toward Judaism throughout the ages. To clarify, as we suggested previously, arguably, of all religions, none is more antagonistic toward "Nephilim yielding spirits" than Judaism. While possibly, Judaism incorporates some "Nephilim motifs" into its teachings, arguably, these are but a few. Still, regardless, generally, Judaism teaches its followers to avoid any endeavor, which would inspire a will, other than believing in the omniscient omnipotent god, which as we previously suggested, shows much resemblance with the real gods. To clarify, indeed, the Jewish god shows "respect" to justice and morality, while as "Inconsistent" suggested, the real gods do not. Nevertheless, if we consider the book of Job, which many consider as one of the most influential books in the Jewish bible, it clearly defies many of our concepts with respect to divine providence, suggesting that subliminally, Judaism contends against any incompatibility between its "divinity", and the real gods.
In short, Judaism leaves "Nephilim yielding spirits" very little to offer its followers. To clarify, "Nephilim yielding spirits" are not our benefactors. Being dependent on the takeover of our consciousness to exist, "Nephilim yielding spirits" are somewhat of a "spiritual parasite". They are "selfish by design", utilizing "spiritual infiltration methods", analogous to those viruses utilize to infiltrate our biology. They offer us "temptations" embodied in either psychological or physical "tangible happiness", so to weaken our conviction to remain "human". Therefore, again, it is most probable, "Nephilim yielding spirits" are in fact, the "demons" of which Christianity speaks.

To clarify, indeed, Christianity is very antagonistic toward such "temptations", warning us, that without adopting its religious teachings, namely, embracing Jesus Christ "into our hearts", our "souls" would burn in eternal damnation. Still, in itself, this does not disprove a "Christian Nephilim association", but rather reflects the obvious, namely, the earthly dominance of the "Christian Nephilim spirit". To clarify, again, metaphysically, the element, to which Christianity refers as our "soul", is but another name, to the inconsistent metaphysical capability of our consciousness, to inflict relevancy between otherwise irrelevant worlds, and as such, it is the "property" of the real gods. It is a "natural resource", which accidentally, came to our possession, and while surely, we can lose it, either through death, or prematurely, by allowing the takeover of "Nephilim yielding spirits" over our psyche, still, suggesting our "soul" will "burn in hell", is as nonsensical as suggesting the real gods would "burn in hell", or drink a shot of Vodka for that matter.

Section 11: Resolution.

Considering our last suggestions, innocently, we could be tempted to think, we should embrace Judaism, as arguably, of all religions, embracing it, is the most effective conceptual "tool", to counter the influences of "Nephilim yielding spirits". However, as "Inconsistent" already suggested, on many occasions, the Jewish bible attributed consistent characteristics with its god, such as for example, in the story of the garden of Eden, where allegedly, "god" punished Adam and Eve for eating the forbidden fruit. To clarify, we simply cannot "resist" the "will" of the real gods, and hence, whatever prohibitions the Jewish bible imposes on its followers, could not be imperatives the real gods imposed on us, but rather "angelic imperatives", or alternatively, imperatives, which "Nephilim yielding spirits" imposed.

In short, none of our religions appear to be "free" of "Nephilim" origins, and actually, it is not that surprising. To clarify, all religions inherit us with a morality, either explicitly, by suggesting what we should do, or implicitly, by hinting of the undesired consequences of us disobeying them, from which we can deduce a limited set of desired behaviors. Considering this, we could claim, science is similar to religions, as it attempts to teach us how to conduct our lives as well. Nevertheless, unlike religions, in science, we may, and are encouraged to, discredit our previous conclusions, so to allow scientific progress. In contrast, religions avoid such alterations at all costs, and instead, merely "enrich" their teachings overtime.
Therefore, we can claim, religions are "under equipped" to evaluate the real gods, suggesting they are prone to be manipulated by "Nephilim yielding spirits". To clarify, as "Inconsistent" suggested, being metaphysically inconsistent elements, every moral imperative, which the real gods endorse, they just as well forbid, and hence, they are incompatible with any morality. In contrast, again, religions cannot "afford" to "discredit" their fundamental moral principles, and hence, they are "under-equipped" to address the essence of the real gods, as understanding this essence, demands a somewhat "scientific" conceptual fluidity, which most probably, would disintegrate any religion. In short, religions cannot "afford" to rely on objective or empirical materialistic findings, and hence, inevitably, they must seek "purely spiritual" justifications for their teachings, leaving them prone to the parasitical influences of "Nephilim yielding spirits". Moreover, arguably, the very idea of attributing the biased and somewhat limiting notion of "goodness" with an omniscient, omnipotent, and ultimately, metaphysically inconsistent element, such as the western monotheist god, could be hinting, it is but another "format" of the "temptations", with which we attributed "Nephilim yielding spirits" previously.

No. If anything, the existence of several religions, shows us, that despite their alleged possible connection to "the universal consciousness", "Nephilim yielding spirits" are not a unified collective, and actually, this is not that surprising. To clarify, as we previously suggested, "spirits" are but another name, to consistent elements existing in the dimension of consciousness, and as such, they are "free" to take numerous different "shapes", proportionate to the power of the potentially infinite amount of dimensions, which can compile them. Moreover, again, "spirits" are not intelligent. To clarify, as we previously suggested, "spirits" become intelligent, only by affecting our neural biology. Therefore, it suggests, that unlike life forms, whose variety is limited by their self-sustainability, the manners by which "spirits" may manifest, are far more versatile, as again, essentially, "spirits" are but parasites, which affect the self-sustaining human neurological biological machine, and hence, even if they are not self-sustaining, and even if they lead us to suicidal tendencies, temporally, they may still affect us.

Arguably, the "parasite analogy" between malignant life forms (such as biological viruses for example), with "spiritual parasites", provides us with an additional understanding, with respect to "Nephilim yielding spirits". To clarify, just as diseases take over our animal body, until it fails to sustain its vital operations, "spiritual parasites" take over our consciousness, until it fails to sustain its vital operations, meaning, we lose our self-awareness, and our ability to comprehend abstract ideas. Considering this, we could argue, any strict religious teaching represents the takeover of a "Nephilim yielding spirit", as well as any other type of conditioning, or alternatively, brainwashing techniques, religious, or otherwise. However, such deductions may be misleading. To explain, again, according to the Nephilim spirits hypotheses, the metaphysical capabilities of the "spirits" we mentioned, are "abnormal". They are not merely "ideas". Moreover, we should remember, that as we suggested throughout this text, it is possible, that while our strange interstellar visitors are very much "physical", metaphysically, they are but another manifestation of "Nephilim yielding spirits".
To summarize, we should not underestimate our ancestors. There must be a real reason, why the western monotheist religions became so successful, despite the fact, they demand we reject our sensual desires, as instinctively, we are driven to satisfy them, suggesting that in the past, satisfying them resulted with a danger of some type. To explain, there might be a reason, why western monotheism reflects such "panic" with respect to sensual and sexual temptations, other than establishing its dominance. It might be warning us of a "real threat", which once was very much tangible, but which over the years, we have either neurologically or culturally evolved, to dismiss as purely allegorical.
For example, in the book of genesis, we are told of several "divine punishments" mankind has endured. First, we are told of the garden of Eden, and the original sin. Could it be, this story actually refers to an extinction of some type, which transpired due to mankind endorsing "Nephilim yielding spirits", which perhaps made it "smarter", but ended in a "spiritual apocalypse"? Could it be, that the biblical reference of Eve, being the one to persuade Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, is but an allegory, to the susceptibility of women to "Nephilim yielding spirits", a susceptibility, which later resulted with the burning of "witches" in the middle ages? To clarify, according to archeological findings, apparently, prior to the emergence of western monotheism, many human civilizations were matriarchal. Therefore, is it possible, that the emergence of western monotheist patriarchal tendencies, was but a reaction to a real "spiritual threat", which mankind faced in these ancient times? Moreover, could it be, that the punishment of the snake, which considering our previous suggestions, undoubtedly, hints of "Nephilim motifs", in actuality, referred to an evolutionary neurological evolutional progression, which limited the human mind from permitting the emergence of "physical Nephilim spirits", as their emergence repeatedly resulted with near extinctions of humanity? Is it possible, similar events were allegorically referred to, in other biblical stories, such as the story of Babylon, the great flood, or Sodom and Gomorrah? Could it be, the only reason western monotheism even emerged, along with the "Nephilim motifs" guiding it, is quite simply because, all previous human civilizations were destroyed by their "Nephilim spiritual greed"? Moreover, is it possible, neither the moon, or mars, appear to be "lively", not because they never sustained life, but rather because "spiritual forces" caused their Eco systems to become extinct? Could it be, that our contemporary new age "indulgence" with "spirituality", may result with a similar outcome?

Well, the answer is "yes", but not just a "yes". A meta-metaphysical "yes". To clarify, we already possess the technology to destroy all human life on earth, and therefore, the possibility exists. Moreover, because our consciousness determines our actions, it implies, that potentially, elements in our consciousness, meaning, "spiritual" elements, are capable of destroying mankind. While indeed, this statement does not differentiate between "normal spirits" and "abnormal spirits", still, considering our previous suggestions, such differentiation is unnecessary, as potentially, both types are equally deadly.

To clarify, as we have just shown, supposing we agree on the meta-metaphysical conclusions, which both "Delta Theory" and "Inconsistent" suggested, then any "spiritual" manifestation we may ever encounter, will bear the markings of our preconceptions. To clarify, again, "spirits" are as "meaningful" or "intelligent" as physical particles in space, and while in some constellations, such as those existing in our brain for example, may yield intelligence, this intelligence is bound to be "sealed" in its own context, similar to the manner we are "sealed" in our context, meaning, our internal mental worlds. Therefore, regardless of the metaphysical potential, which "Nephilim yielding spirits" may have (psychological, or physical), they will resemble the personality of the consciousnesses from which they manifested, and not "offer" an "off-worldly", or alternatively, "divine" knowledge.

Therefore, it is not that surprising, such "Nephilim yielding spirits" would emerge as alien beings, as it was us, who aspired for the skies, to fly like birds, and later, to reach for the stars. Moreover, it is not surprising, Satanists, pagans, and occultists, found aliens offering them new powers, as that is exactly what they desired, just as it is not surprising, to find our governments allegedly backward engineering alien technologies, as these are the instruments, by which they plan to establish their future reign. Moreover, it is not surprising, ecology activists found these aliens as providers of "free energy", just as it should not surprise us, if Christians would associate these "aliens" with "demons" we should fear, as arguably, it is through fear, that Christianity has established its reign for thousands of years. Finally, it is not surprising, the god, which western monotheism follows, is "good" and "just".

To explain, "Nephilim yielding spirits" provide us with what we want, as our wills and desires are "fueled" by our demonic influences, and without which, no "spirit" would ever affect our reality. Still, despite the powers they may harness, the providence they may offer, or the benefits they may promise us, we should avoid "accessing" them, at all costs. Moreover, we should not make the mistake of associating with any "spirit", be it a Christian "demon", the holy "spirit", or an "extra dimensional". Their mutual antagonism should not confuse us. They are all but different faces of the "Nephilim yielding spiritual parasite", an unintelligent "spiritual disease", which does not comprehend its implications, and as such, can only harm us.
Still, this statement is not "fiction". It is a meta-metaphysical imperative. It must be true, regardless of what we believe. If we do not believe "Nephilim yielding spirits" exist, then whatever is "abnormally spiritual" is either deceit or insanity, and hence, if we cherish our lives, we should avoid both as much as possible. If we believe only psychological Nephilims exists, "accessing" "Nephilim yielding spirits", would result with them overtaking our animal bodies, and if we cherish our freedom, we should avoid these as much as possible. If we believe physical Nephilims exist, meaning, that all the rumors, with respect to our alleged visitors are in fact, the truth, any contact with them, will lead to us being used and abused, like disposable "spiritual batteries".

Therefore, again, arguably, our "best bet", is to refrain from this discussion altogether. To clarify, indeed, we cannot "force" our religions, media, government, and society, not to "meddle" with "spirituality", and hence, regretfully, regardless of our choices, we may be forced to suffer the consequences of their stupidity, arrogance, and insanity. Nevertheless, we should remember, we are discussing "abnormal spirits", meaning "spirits", which as we suggested previously, allegedly, our biology has evolved to allow us to disregard their existence. Therefore, it suggests, that supposing we keep our heads on our shoulders, instead of hysterically searching for the latest gossips of the occult, or praise the "good god", whose "love" could be but a "temptation", which potentially, could result with our premature "spiritual death", "abnormal spirits" should not affect us. Moreover, once we accept the "Nephilim spirits hypothesis", somehow, the "magic" is gone. We understand the delusional nature of the "Nephilim yielding spiritual manifestations", resulting with all their "temptations", becoming stale with banality.
Actually, this might be the greatest benefit of our method of analysis. To clarify, as they say "the biggest trick Satan ever pulled, was making us think he does not exist". Well, if "he" does exist, "he" is a "Nephilim yielding spirit", and if so, then indeed, it is "his greatest trick". Still, is it really "his trick", or is it a "trick" equally shared by all religions? To clarify, the "mystery" surrounding notions such as "spirituality", magic, religions, U F Os, etc., grants them an appeal, motivated by our curiosity. We are drawn to explore them, just as we are drawn to discover, all that which we do not know.
Still, is this disposition preferable? Should we accept this disposition?
Well...clearly not. As the saying goes "curiosity killed the cat". There are some aspects of our reality, which must not attract us, and if moral prohibitions are insufficient, we must find alternate methods.
This text, as well as "Delta Theory" and "Inconsistent" offer one such alternate, rather trivial method, namely, understanding. By understanding this text, we learn, that all in all, behind our biggest mysteries, there are but unintelligent "particles" of the dimension of consciousness, meddling with our neural biology, and while they may provide us with strange new experiences, essentially, they are no different from any other hallucinogenic. Actually, they are worse. They are a "spiritual disease", which we should have learned to ignore a long time ago.

No. As we suggested throughout this text, it is us who are unique, not the "gods" of our religions, or the "aliens" residing in a "higher dimension", which again, according to these hypotheses, are but "Nephilim yielding spirits", personifications of our desires, or alternatively, figments of our imagination. By manifesting through our consciousnesses, metaphysically, the real gods made our consciousnesses unique. Moreover, they gave us the biggest "gift" of all. Not being alive, as all particles are equally "alive". Not being "spiritual", as "spirits" are as common as grains of sand in the desert.
No. The biggest "gift" the real gods gave us, and which according to these hypotheses, they have "revoked" from all the gods of our religions and mythologies combined, just as they have "revoked it" from our alleged extraterrestrial visitors, is the one attribute, which sets the real gods above these "amateurs".

The real gods made us real. This is our "gift", and perhaps, our "demigods" already told this to us. In genesis, we are told, "god" created us in its image. Is that fiction, or a meta-metaphysical allegorical fact? As we previously mentioned, metaphysically, our self-awareness is an element, where inconsistent events transpire endlessly, events which only inconsistent elements could invoke. Only real gods can yield our reality. Considering this, we are most definitely "in" the "image" of the real gods, inconsistent, demonically influenced, and most importantly, real, and it should not surprise us, if these biblical words were written by a "lowly Nephilim", thinking of us, in envy.
According to the Jewish bible, "god" is called "Jehovah", which roughly translates to "to be in the present". Is this not a testimony to the true nature of our creator, the true nature of our "gift", not morality, not riches, but rather, simply being real? Think what you would have given, how many galaxies you would have conquered, so to be able to at least once "taste" this sensation.

Still, this is my fiction. This was all my fiction.
Or was it?
Who knows.

Well, for what it is worth, I hope you learned something new.

Have a nice day!

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