If you have been following my recent writings, you probably noticed, they discuss various fringe subjects, such as magic, spirituality, religion, U F Os, and the likes. Naturally, I can only expect, discussing these subjects, would leave the impression, I am enthusiastic toward them. Well, I am not. On the contrary, as I explained in these writings, my attitude toward them is skeptic and suspicious. Nevertheless, having written my own theories in metaphysics, which suggest understandings fundamentally different from that of mainstream science (such as for example, that all particles are equally alive, that gravity is a repelling force emerging from empty space, that some dimensions in our reality are local, and many others), I feel compelled to "test" my theories "in the field." Therefore, I attempt not to dismiss notions, without providing sufficient reasoning, especially when discussing debatable subjects, as I consider such dismissal, as expressions of "closed mindedness," which I do not feel, as if I have the "luxury" to adopt.
This text will be similar in that respect. The notion of "free energy" has become quite popular among new age "thinkers," to the level it is now widely suggested, that the fact we do not utilize "free energy" generators to power our civilization, is a conspiracy of a global scale. It appears, "free energy" is at our fingertips, along with "star gates," "time machines," and arguably, Santa Claus.
Yes, I meant it. To explain, regardless if "free energy" is possible, it is time we stop being such idiots. With all due respect, a "free energy" generator is not something we need to "believe in," and we do not require a single rumor, or hearsay, to convince us it is possible. If we can construct machines that will provide us with "free energy," then by all means, it is time, we see such devices in action. Instead of babbling on blogs and video streams, that such devices are possible, or even exist, simply provide proof! Take a video camera (which these days is widely available), show your blueprint for a utilizable "free energy" generator (something that could light our home, for example), show how we can all build it, by exposing its construction, step by step, then show it works.
This is all it takes. A simple proof of concept. I mean, why on earth would anyone suggesting "free energy" is feasible, still pay electric bills? Why pay for gas? Why put solar panels on top of your home? Why not build the bloody thing? I mean, with today's electric infrastructure, had we been able to build such devices, we could actually sell "free energy" to the power companies. So why not? Why not make money this way? Why is it O K to take money for participation in "free energy" conventions, where "thinkers" speak for hours about the possibility of realizing "free energy," while actually building such devices in our garage is unthinkable? Moreover, why do so many "thinkers" contending to the feasibility of such technologies, seem to "center" in Las Vegas and Hollywood, which arguably, are the world capitals of fantasy and deceit? Considering this, if "free energy" is possible, why do more "serious developers" of these technologies, not understand the bad "stigma" these locations have, and hence, attempt to distant themselves from them, in favor of more "agreeable locations," such as the silicon valley, for example?
There is something deviously manipulative about the manner "free energy" is suggested to the public, a manner, which confirms popular beliefs, that the individuals suggesting the existence of "free energy," as well as many new age notions with respect to our consciousness, are manipulative charlatans. Moreover, there is something extremely short sighted in their suggestions. None of these "thinkers," seriously discuss the implications of their claims. For example, in the case of "free energy," we should ask ourselves, what would become of our civilization, had it harnessed this alleged power source? Indeed, if today, we could stop paying for the energy we use, either directly (meaning, for personal consumption), or indirectly (meaning, for the energy others require to harvest our consumables), then we could live like kings, while hardly working. However, what would happen, once everyone will have this abundance? Would anyone need to work hard? If not, then what will become of us? What would be "expensive," when necessities are abundant? What would we need, and would it be abundant as well?
I remember, when my service in the Israeli army came to an end, I experienced a somewhat similar sensation. While I hated every second of my military service, the truth is, once I was discharged from this oppressive organization, I literally did not know shit what to do with my life. I asked myself "What now?" as if expecting to receive orders, what to do with my civilian life.
Many Israelis discharged from their military service, experience similar sensations, which usually, result with them going on a trip around the world, soon after, in an attempt to "find themselves." Sadly, in most cases, such "trips" hardly change much in the long run. From observing my surrounding, I can confirm, most Israelis find their way, back to the embrace of the somewhat oppressive "quasi western" life style (and considering this, I should note, I am not that different in this respect).
The same applies to "free energy." To clarify, it is my belief, "free energy," had it been possible, would have resulted with the exact same process. "Free energy" would not make us more "free." It would simply change the "identity" of our "conceptual chains," and if anything, I would be worried, who might have thought of this, and have already revised a devious plan to seize control, once "free energy" is available. Moreover, it seems most likely, these "devious parties" are none other than those suggesting "free energy" is feasible.
As you probably noticed, the previous arguments I suggested, are speculative, and as such, we cannot seriously consider them. How should I know, any of my suggestions are valid? I do not, and it is my responsibility to inform you, they are invalid.
"Free energy" contenders, as well as other new-age "thinkers," would hardly return the courtesy. They base their discussions on their own suggestions, in an ever growing downward spiral of manipulation. Sure, such "thinkers" love to use the word "love." Still, a careful analysis of their suggestions, exposes the opposite. Repeatedly, such "thinkers" mention parties, to which we should oppose, so to better our condition. In the process, they inspire us with hate and fear, not any different from the hate and fear religions propagate. Actually, in some cases, the level of unsubstantiated hatred they inflict, equal to that, which the Nazis inflicted toward Jews in world war 2. Considering this, I would advise you to put notice, to the covertly agreeable manner, by which new age "thinkers," as well as contemporary Hollywood movies, portray the Nazis. Instead of portraying them as mainly "monsters," they put emphasis on their technological achievements, suggesting a connection between the aeronautic marvels U F Os exhibit, and Nazi scientific research (or what is otherwise known as "the bell.") To clarify, regardless if there is truth in these rumors, by placing the emphasis on this aspect of Nazism, arguably, such "thinkers," and films, inspire a hidden "tolerance" to the Nazi horrors. Moreover, this issue further exemplifies the connection between Hollywood and the new age movement, suggesting that perhaps, these all take part in a global attempt to mold mainstream thought, to a hidden agenda, whose narrators are hard to determine. Considering this, I should note, that occasionally, such "thinkers" mention Israel, as some type of doomsday war machine (not to mention suggestions Israelis are reptilian beings, aspiring for world domination), while from my experience, I can attest, such suggestions are insanely hysterical. Seriously, no Israeli I know of wishes to govern the world, and in the global scale, Israel is but a pawn. Furthermore, let me assure you, that regardless of my use of the term "Dragon" in my previous works, I am not a reptilian, and neither did any Israeli I ever met, led me to believe such nonsense, but I have stumbled across such suggestions before, while learning about Nazi propaganda.
In short, there is something extremely "wrong" happening in the fringe, and it is time we notice it. Already, today, whenever a person attempts to expand his or her conceptual horizons, he or she immediately falls into the new age niche, a fact, which by itself, should make us suspicious. To explain, it is unreasonable, people would walk around spreading true accusations on sources of power, and gather such following. Had there been a true "information war" between the notions new age "thinkers" suggest, and ruling parties (be it local, global, the illuminati, aliens, extra dimensionals, demons, or what have you), they would have been silenced, suggesting the fact such "thinkers" can express their suggestions out in the open, is agreeable to all "conspirators." The current "easiness" by which suggestion such as "free energy" are spread, should serve as a red sign saying "It is all bollocks," and the fact it does not, should serve as an even bigger red sign saying "This is how we control the opposition." To clarify, it appears, the system controlling us (whatever it might be), keeps its opposition controllable, by infecting it with poor argumentation (namely, babbling on the subject, instead of providing hard evidence), hence ensuring, that even if we think "outside of the box," we do not seriously challenge it, as our minds are captured by "agents of the system," agents, which claim to oppose it, a "Trojan Horse", so to speak. Actually, considering the link we suggested previously, between the new age movement, and Hollywood, it is ironic, as this is exactly the manner "the machines" handled human rebellious abnormalities, in the Hollywood movie "The Matrix."
Again, these are all speculations. Still, the more we think of these suggestions, the more it becomes apparent, we are facing a hegemony of disinformation. All the "sides" of which we know, attempt to manipulate us. None of them offer us "the truth." It is impossible, any of them offers us "the truth." Maybe "free energy" is possible, and maybe it is not, but again, "words" will not light our houses at night. To summarize, it is my advice to you, stop being gullible idiots, refuse suggestions undermining your "mind" (David Icke rings a bell), and bloody think!
At least in this respect, we still "have the power."
Friday, June 22, 2012
WORD: Nothing is Free
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