Friday, February 29, 2008



Anonymous said...

- Biohazazrd

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I found myslef having more to say:

It's just an interesting thing with the new generations of the US. Major corporations are now training their management to treat and handle the new generation (ages 16-25) as friends. Due to credit, hard working parents, and selfishness, the generation that I belong to is to be handled in a more "friendship" form. My generation does not think that they are consequences to quiting and finding new jobs. We are only looking for a reason to quit. If we want to stay home, be with friends, sleep in... We call in sick. Management will befriend you so that you do tasks for a friend as a favor and not a command. My generation does work only fed by compliments to once again boost our ego. We are the best; the better. If you lose a job we can always find a new one (not completely true but it's a mindset). If we do not find a new job to pay our bills in time we turn to parents or credit. Never thinking that credit will catch up to us. Now, I do realise that a good portion does hold their job with fear of losing it, but these are the people that start families and have responsibilities. These are the things that you are talking about. The shift of parenthood. Some people are exempt of this due to other reasons. But the mass overall has this mindset until they start to have more responsibilities. Becoming jaded is in one way a death of ones soul. To comform is to go to work so that company's have more money to pay for governmental favors. To conform is to pay taxes and by shit so that company's have more money to pay for governmental bills and laws to further fuck us. The need; the want. Marketting to make us feel that we want. People don't always have to have something constructive to do. People most often find ways to escape themselves to be themselves. Reading books (but never non-fiction (people know enough to know what they need to survive *rolls eyes*), watching movies, playing video games, etc. You mentioned that we all conform and that every revolt dies down. This is because we all have something inside of us that is identical. This need to survive. We are the only species in the world that knows that we will all die someday. This a very important marketing tool for US hospitals due to the amazing healthcare system that we US citizens have...

Unknown said...

"Never thinking that credit will catch up to us"

the time is now. the U.S economy is collapsing exactly because of this. and what will happen soon, is that the falling economy will mean less jobs, which in turn will mean greater competition for jobs, and lesser respect for workers.

"These are the things that you are talking about. The shift of parenthood."

marriage, parenthood, responsibility, but actually no. as i said, the careless clueless bubble of the western economoies is exploding/imploding as we speak.

"To comform is to go to work so that company's have more money to pay for governmental favors. To conform is to pay taxes and by shit so that company's have more money to pay for governmental bills and laws to further fuck us."

don't confuse the act of conforming with the benefits others make from it. first we pay taxes and buy shit, then the corporatracy gets its funds enabling it to fuck with us. we make the wrong choice, then they abuse our lack of insight.

"You mentioned that we all conform and that every revolt dies down. This is because we all have something inside of us that is identical. This need to survive. We are the only species in the world that knows that we will all die someday. This a very important marketing tool for US hospitals due to the amazing healthcare system that we US citizens have..."

true. but the question i am interested in is not why should the rebellion die out, but why should it even begin. and capitalism is just the first part of it, the 2nd complexion of it. there is also the 3rd complexion of it, where art and expression is rewarded only when shallowed down to an advertising platform, and my own personal 1st complexion of it, that understands that just being myself, as individual as i might be, enslaves me to a life which i do not wish to live

Anonymous said...

Good retorts my friend. These things are true. Which makes me shake my head.

As an international citizen, what are your view points on what's happening to the world as far as natural resources? We're now squeezing oil from rocks! O.o I'm uncertain of my future let alone my children's future (if and when I have them). Do you think that we will be able to smarten up and use reusable energies? Will we have enough time to convert is my concern. Like every generation before me, I feel the end is near...

Unknown said...

i think the world couldn't care less if this was earth or the moon. it is us who fear for it, but i believe the world's existence is not in danger. some specices will die, some others will evolve and prosper. again, it is us that see this as a catastophy. the world, or nature, could not care less. some bacterias will prosper no matter what we will do.

but, as for us as humans, what will become of us, i guess we will have to underpopulate this earth. whether we the human race will continue or not, i don't know, but i am sure i as a consciousness, will inevitably die.

energy is all around us, in vast quantities. the problem we face are not due to fossil fuel depletion, but due to over population. i'm not saying we should kill others to have their energy. but we will kill others to have their energy, and the world will reach an equilibrium.

there really isn't any other choice, as the equilibrium has a threshold after which people start dying.

so what i am saying is, this is not a problem worth thinking about, as it will be answered anyway, and we are too small in means of power to change this answer. we can be forced to use less energy. when shit will truly hit the fan, no green-activist pressure will be needed.

i'm not naive. i'm practical

Anonymous said...

Good call! Nature has it's way with over population. Natural selection. I totally dug your response!

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