Saturday, September 11, 2010

WORD: Branching

i've been having several conversations with people about music and more specifically the dark scene
there seems to be a consistent point to where each of these conversations lead to
bitching about the dark scene
i'm not saying there's nothing to bitch about
what i'm asking myself is
why do we even care?

i mean
if we were talking about RnB music, and we'd think that it's shit
well, that wouldn't really matter to any of us
if we don't listen to that music
if we don't hang out at venues who dig it
it's simply not our scene
not our problem, is it?

but the thing is,
well, most of the people who bitch about the dark scene don't listen to music popular in it, don't hang out in venues who dig what's currently "hot" in the dark scene
quite simply, it's not their scene
not our scene

and that's the problem
the dark scene is not my scene
and i'm not the only one who feels this way
but still i'm branded as it

this whole "dark scene" branding reminds me of my religious status
my mother was jewish, so i'm jewish
but i'm not jewish
i don't believe in judaism

in jewish terms i'm a "bad" jew
"i went astray" they'll say
but the thing is, this applies not only to jews
non jews will think the same
racist or not, it's a fact that judaism is passed by blood

so what's my religious status?
i reject all religions
i think all religions are equally evil
and by the term evil, i hint a moral stand
i do believe there is something more than nihilism
but any attempt to establish it in a religion or philosophy will produce nothing but havoc
any attempt to formulate belief into structures will lead us crumbling into blindness

this is not an acceptable religious status
i'm still considered a "jew", since i don't claim to be anything else
not even a true nihilist

back to the subject, the same applies to the dark scene
in "dark scene" terminology, i make music which simply is useless
there's no way to make money out of it
the current trends in the dark scene have close to zero interest in the things i try to accomplish in my music, and i will not dig into what that is now

to cut to the point
what i make is "bad" for the dark scene
and by the same coin
i find the popular music played in the dark scene to be "bad" by my standards
this does not mean i belong in any other scene, but i don't belong there

now, if i was a one time reject, where no one understands what i'm saying and everyone just loves current scene music, i'd say ok

but things are far from it
(and the same applies to religion btw, if you haven't noticed)

so what i'm saying is that
it's time to branch away
people who see things this way
i don't see why we have to be exiled from unity
our numbers are growing, but we stay at home thinking that's how it's gotta be

i don't see the point in trying to change campish kids away from their fangs
we need to stray away from this bullshit and start something new
we need to branch

let us not be arrogant saying we're better
being better has nothing to do with it
it simply isn't us

and just like the fact my religious belief is based on rejections does not make me a jew, even though i have "jewish blood" or "jewish genes" or whatever other racist pseudo science crap you can think of
the fact that our musical and cultural heritages come from the same source the dark scene came out from,
we're not dark scene
we reject the dark scene
and our numbers are big enough to formulate a group

there's a problem
how can you define something which is only defined by rejection?
how can we "branch" if we don't have a clue what is "inside" this new branch?

i was thinking about this question quite a bit
the criteria by which we can unite
"quality" is such a subjective term, it seems pure stupidity to even think about it as the "branch of quality dark music"
this would be nonsense

so how can this question be solved?

i think the judaism analogy can serve us as guidance
i am not a nihislist
i just think that the formulation of belief into philosphy does us bad

so i think,
the same goes for this new branch
there is something "dark" in this new branch
we're not happy happy joy joy flower-power flower-childs
it's not like we have no intuition whatsoever and we'd like anything

so this is it
this can be the corpus divine of this new branch:

we're upset with this world, for many reasons
and we do believe in music as having some kind of spiritual meaning to us
but we utterly reject all formulas
we don't reject our concept of esthetic beauty
but once it is repeated, it becomes the same as "formulating god"
it becomes decadent and we cast it away

if we need a name for it
(and we always do)
i suggest "devolving"
short for "dark evolving"
also meaning "transfer or delegate (power) to a lower level"
as if passing the torch to the real underground
and on a more intuitive level
if we agree the current situation is a sort of downward spiral
then to "devolve" is a sort of negation to it
offering ascension over descent

this was my first attempt
maybe people will think of a better idea

but no way in hell will they force me in the dark scene telling me it's my home
and for those of you who feel the same

i think it's time we branch
and the sooner the better

so spread the WORD

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