Friday, July 17, 2009

Why Not: A New Path

it has been quite a long time since i updated this blog. i was busy in a lot of things, work in IT, closed the firm, then studying @ uni. some bad things happened, i don't want to dig into that.
and something happened.
i observed how my life was transforming into the norm, and i couldn't help but resist. no reason why. the camp was empty. the war, lost.
the war is not lost. it is only beginning.

time to rise from the ashes.

the war is not in art anymore. this is the real shit. this is my own war. this is my own hate for the life i see served to me. the life i have to serve with no parole. yeah yeah, so do you. so do all of us. well, fuck you. you wanna fight it, fight it. fight it or become it. inspire me, follow me, fight me, or step aside. specifications are as follows:

the territory: my life (for you, your life)
the objective: my future (for you, your future)

oh yes there will be art. but i will keep it for myself, and for those i find inspiring. what will not be, is an audience. instead, i choose people. mental warriors. enemies of normality. it can be any of one you, but if you don't have it in you, then i don't need you. if you have little talent i can appreciate, can't stand your ground, i don't find you amusing in any sense, or you don't have an individuality to consider, we have nothing to discuss.

first move was to remove the profit. all my past albums are now available to you in plastic form. you want one? no problem, pay for the printing (1.75$) and shipping, and it will be yours. i don't want your money. not for art. you want to leave me a tip? fine. i wouldn't.

next move is contact. you want to get in contact with me? email me:
talk to me. tell me what you are about. impress me, and we might do stuff together. if you did so in the past and i rejected your offer, ask me again.

i was wrong
this changes everything

there are new songs i have already made. if you want them, ask, and i'll send them to you. there will be no future "releases". that part is done. over. i am now working on music under a working label: "hate". (different from working title as there will be no final album) but i don't aim to hate. it is hate where this journey begins, and it is love where it will end, if indeed hopefully it will end.

i don't need you supporting my music. i need your support for the cause: your life and mine. and not in the general sense. i'm talking about the daily things, things to do, to fill this life, my life, your life, not their life. i don't have all the time in the world, no, but i will try to do my best. but don't bother offering opportunities of profit. don't mind the cash, i'd take the money, but if it's boring, normal, enslaving then fuck that. i can have enough of that shit just doing what i'm told.

if no one will answer this calling, then fine. i'll do it alone.

if you don't get what i am saying, then good.


don't expect much from these new tracks of mine. i made them for my own ears, not yours. i'm no longer discussing things with it. so if you do ask me for these, and i give them to you, and you start bitching complaining about them, then get the hell out of my porch. next time i'll bring a shotgun.


Unknown said...

I'm in...what ever i can do to help. no profit is the key word for me to.

Ptyl said...

help yourself man. that's the whole point. but thank you and i appreciate that, and i will get back to you

and also
there was this virus warning on this site it is because my computer has been infected with a virus a couple of months ago and i guess it infected one of the blog's files. i fixed it.

B. said...

Keep creating, and I'll keep listening and spinning it.

Unknown said...

Ha! Get the hell off mah porch!!
Miss ya man... ooooo....nice brain ya got there! Sorry for the lapse in communicationz...just catching up over here...


Yogi said...

Boom! :)

Anonymous said...

Ptyl is a modern-day poet for the masses and I'm onboard. However I can help with funds or support - I'm with you!


Ptyl said...

give me a nice challenge

that would do

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