Thursday, May 01, 2008


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is some pretty creative stuff. i love dissonance and noise when it's used properly and ptyl has got the art of noise down pretty well. i haven't had the time to really read into the "plot" but i think using a common theme to tie all of the music together is a very cool thing to do. some of the best albums have been thematic. the vocals are unique which anytime i hear something that is really unique i am impressed. most people don't realize how difficult it is to make something original in a world where pretty much everything has already been done. so kudos for that. however, if i'm not mistaken the only influence i really hear in this is a little bit of pop will eat itself circa "dos dedos mi amigos" . he makes references in his songs to "ich bin ein auslander" and "babylon" . possibly coincidence but i don't think so. but "dos dedos mi amigos" is one of my favorite albums so if you're gonna reference anything that's not a bad choice. i think the only negative remark i have is that a couple of songs lack any kind of structure at all. one or two tracks seem a little bit thrown together but the rest of it is cohesive enough to make up for that. all in all i must say i am impressed.

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