hello all.
i decided to add this section for all of you who are introduced to loki's b.a.d.a.s.s for the first time. there is quite a lot to watch, and quite a lot to understand, and all this takes time, a very expensive commodity in interent standards. so here you can read a short summary of what is going on here.
loki is not just an album. it a B.A.D.A.S.S short for:
[B]log [A]ccessed [D]ownloadable [A]lbum [S]emi [S]erie
the best way to understand what this is simply to watch the introduction video, but if you want to understand it FASTER then here goes:
every week i am posting a new episode. each episode deals with a specific subject from three different perspectives, which i call "complexions":
1st complexion - my perspective over my own life.
2nd complexion - my perspective over society.
3rd complexion - my perspective over art, philosphy, religion, etc.
each act has it's own complexion which serves as the background context for one of the songs of loki. every song is accompanied by a commentary video explaining the background context of that song, as well as a lyric video, which enables you to experience the song for the first time with the lyrics, and help keep you focused on the message. you are also given a remix kit for you to play with, an artwork to stir your imagination, and you can freely comment about the song. because of this variety of content, i named these "acts".
episode 1:
our journey runs in parallel with the story of "loki" the nordic trickster god. loki was punished due to the part he took in the murder of baldr, the most favourable god in the nordic mythology. he was locked underground to suffer. however, this punishment was the result of nothing other than loki being what he is. this punishment is where we as a society and loki coincide. the computer age, the internet age have granted us the sensation that we as individuals MATTER. so we explored our individuality and we learned to appreciate ourselves as individuals. but no else will. we are still the same nobodies we were before, only we won't take it anymore (e01a01: war!). even the underground culture rejects us, since it has already been transformed to a fully commercial market (e01a02: drag dorks in vampire suits). this exploration of our indivduality required us to use means and tools which we got by illegal means, so even the law, with all its calims to protect our freedom of speech is against us (e01a03: loathing). so we have no choice. to be our true selves, we have to revolt.
episode 2:
part of loki's punishment was the transformation of his son vali into a rabied dog, which tore off the throat of his brother narif (or nari, narfi). this is an allegory for the cannibalistic nature of our lives, that is revealed to us once we face our true selves and revolt. we find this cannibalism everywhere. the place we work turns us all into enemies, filled with hate and envy which we must repress in submission to our superiors, only to release it on the people closet to us (e02a01: masochism). we see how the more we'll become successful with our own creation, the more this success will canibalize on it's creator, until all that will be left from us is a brand name (e02a02: another dragon). we even can see how our concepts of being true to ourselves before really exploring what we are and what we can do, have cannibalized on the spectrum of our individuality. these previous concepts made us a pathetic burden on everyone around us (e02a03: hellstream). we see what we were, we see what we were guilty of. we see the fifth division indictment.
episode 3:
narif's fate was to die at the teeth of his brother vali after being transformed into a rabbied dog. both brothers suffered their fate due to the actions of their father loki. however, while vali has been turned to a cannibal, narif's fate was to be sacrificed, and have his entrails used to chain loki to his underground prison. narif represents the parts of our individuality which we must remove if we are to explore our individuality, for these are the parts which chain us down to the thing we were before we realized our individuality. we must remove our expectations that we are living in a fairytale and that the world is just waiting to celebrate us (e03a01: sadistic charm). we must remove our belief that the fact we create and the fact that we consider ourselves artists are enough to define our individuality, for it is a question of integrity and being truely unique, and not just a question of status (e03a02: art is from venus life is from mars). we must see through the parts of society which do not make sense, and understand, that if they don't make sense, it is simply because the way they are presented is nothing less than propaganda (e03a03: the method). we must crackdown on all those sides.
episode 4:
this episode marks the first step of loki's ascention, aided by his 3 offsprings: fenrir, jörmungandr, and hel. each divinity represents an aspect of our morality which loki attacks, a global disturbance which loki manipulates. fenrir, the giant wolf that grew too big for any chain to hold him down, and on ragnarök is destined to devour odin the most favourable god, reresents our distrust and skeptism toward our own gods and the moral systems they represent (e04a01: the divine conspiracy). hel (which is sometimes confused with loki himself), ruler of the underworld represents atheism, as it is the place where divinities such as loki are locked powerless. however, the urge to believe cannot be killed, just hidden. atheism is a lie, a burde for which we must suffer as we are still driven toward the sublime. after ragnarök, hel is to release baldr's soul from the underworld, and by that it hints that a new morality can only be born out of this false atheism (e04a02: distress). finally comes jörmungandr, the great sea serpent which can wrap the earth with his long tail, and poison the air. jörmungandr represents the world outside the west, which had to suffer the western post ww2 rationalist crusade against racism, intolerance, agression, and obedience to power. this crusade was used to crush existing power structures outside the west, and enslave them to the global corporatracy. however, migrating into the west, the same people oppressed by this crusade can use it to their advantage since they are protected as a minority. and when they join hands, bite their own tail, they have the power to overthrow the west from its global domination (e04a03: hand of our kin). these three offsprings from the unremovable burden conviction of the western civilization today, which loki plans to exploit.
episode 5:
Ragnarok will be preceded by the Fimbulvetr or "Great Winter", a period of three years of perpetual winter with no summer between. During this time great battles will be fought throughout the world, humanity will descend further into violence and depravity, laws of kinship will be broken, and fathers, sons and brothers will rise up against one another. This is our present. The democracies we built and took so much pride in have disintegrated into corrupt corporate driven mass control advertizing campaigns (e05a01: 0.0000001). Our ideas of grace, mercy and kindship have been transformed into means for undermining the morality of the people around us, helping what we call their victims, redeeming our personal paradises by defining our own brothers as evil (e05a02: general victim). And the further we descend into our narcissitic personal paradises, the less we can hear any voice telling us anything but our own fantasies. We block our heads from hering our mentors and artists (e05a03: " "). This is our present, the imploded reality we blindly so happily live in. The final step before Loki's return. The final step before apocalypse.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
PLOT: The Story So Far
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Very enjoyable read...
J xo
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