Friday, February 29, 2008

WORD : why you matter

i made this *NEW* section to be able to put some words about things which do not necessarily have much to do with the current episode or past episodes, but still need to be said.

this post is intended only for those of you who like what i do here. if you don't like it, if you think it's shite, that's fine. it's your word against mine. this post is not meant for you. if you are indifferent to it, and you think, "yeah well, nothing special", then that's fine too. i didn't reach you. a shame for me, but i'm happy with what i am doing here. you can't win them all.

but if i did reach you with the music and/or the concept of it, then i want to you know this. i am exactly like you. i am just a person who did this thing, on his own. i am without a label, and i have no financial means to hire people to help this project succeed. all i have is my internet connection, my computer, some friends to talk to, and some time left. that's it. this is the material from which i made this record. no professional studio, no cool hardware synths, no big shot producer, manager or whatever. just fast tracker 2, samples and plugins, a fucked up classic guitar i borrowed from my little brother, and (2) people who did vocals for me. Angela Moriah Graham-Holden and Leor Phat Trax Core Zen.

what am i getting at?
well, i named this post "why you matter", because you matter a lot to this whole project, this B.A.D.A.S.S. there is no the cavalry. you are the ones who will decide what i will be after Loki. working nine to five on another album, or working nine to five in some corporate cubicle. don't dare pity me. i am just like you. but if i reached you and you want to make this B.A.D.A.S.S become a success, then understand this: YOU ARE THE CAVALRY.

yes there is the paypal tip jar, and yes there is the merchandise, but that's not what i mean. Loki is free, and i can easily imagine myself a stranger going through this B.A.D.A.S.S, seeing the tip jar and the merchandise and saying "yeah right". the way i see it, the merchandise is for you more than it is for me, and the tip jar is whatever someone makes of it. it's just there in case someone would want to leave a tip. i mean it would be stupid not to have the option.

but what i mean when i say that "YOU ARE THE CAVALRY", for what i mean by the term success, all i need now is YOUR VOICE. this is not an election, but the B.A.D.A.S.S fate will certainly be decided by the VOICE of the many INDIVIDUALS combined. these indivduals are YOU. the individual is YOU. yes YOU. the person reading this thing, i mean YOU.

most chances are, you know about Loki and you read this post simply because i contacted you, or contacted someone else who told you about Loki. maybe you followed a link i posted on some forum, then again, it is ME trying to make contact with you. so even higher chances are, that unless we have the same friends, or we check the same forum, then YOU are the ONLY ONE you know, who knows about this.

now think, how do you get to hear about new music and new things? sometimes a friend tells you about it. sometimes you surf freestyle on the net. but i am willing to bet that for most new things you hear them about via some commercial media channel. even internet sites, the more successful they are, the more they are commercial. and you must understand, today you don't just recieve coverage on these channels. you pay to get that coverage, be it an add or a good review, it all costs money, money i simply don't have.

the resource at my disposal is my time, and your own appreciation of my work. this is my only leverage. so forgive me for spamming you. sending you these impersonal emails and messages, really makes me feel cheap and sleazy and i hate that. i want to know each and every one of you before, but this is the reality of it. but know that if you reply to me, i will try to always give you a proper answer.

so anyway WHAT I WISH from you, and i am saying WISH and not want because this is a humble request and not an order in any sense, is that you will use YOUR VOICE for Loki. every act, every song is talking about something. every act every song is not just a statement, but also a discussion that can and should be commented on, argued, and developed. every act every song has a remix kit for you to reinterpert. again, use YOUR VOICE to customize the songs to become your own. heck, even the t shirts are customizable.

AND MOST IMPORTANT make people know about this. as i said, the people you know probably don't know anything about this, and if you won't tell them then they will never know, and that's all there is to it. if YOU will make them know about it, then YOU will make this a SUCCESS. and there is absolutely no one to replace YOUR VOICE. no one.

think about election. you go and vote and your voice means 0.0000001% of the power to decide who will win the election. a hundred votes are 0.00001%. a thousand votes are 0.0001%. ten thousand 0.001%. BUT HERE, the difference between a hundred, a thousand, and ten thousand is the difference between success and failure. HERE YOU MATTER.

and it is not just my own personal success which YOU CONTROL. i am a nobody in the music industry terminology. so my success in a more abstract manner means that art can live and breathe as a virtual internet entity. this B.A.D.A.S.S is not just an album. it is a work of art in itself, and the medium on which it is made, is the internet. the success of this B.A.D.A.S.S will make it easier for each and every one of you to follow in my footsteps and break free from the art industry stalemate, just as if Loki fails, it will make it even harder for someone else to try again to do internet art (i call it "Arternet"). this is important if you are an artist, but even if you are from within the art establishment and industry, i am sure you feel the frustration from the rigid way it is today. Loki's B.A.D.A.S.S and Arternet in general can open new breeding ground for art and new prospects from selling art. think about it.

so to sum it up
and if any of this matters to you
use your voice for this
make a sound
spread the word



Anonymous said...

Very well put, my friend!!!
Lots of luck with this project of yours - it is in fact very impressive. Great idea!

Unknown said...

thank you

word of the day:
CAPTCHA is the new black

Unknown said...

word of the day:
entertainment defines art as a hobby

DaRcK AnGeL said...

hi ptyl keep going!i really love your style!!

Unknown said...

thank you...doing my best...running on fumes

Courtney said...

So what are you up to nowadays? I first heard you through your kickass remix of "Atemlos" (reminded me a lot of NIN, one of my favorite bands) and then you popped up having remixed another song I like but fuck me if I remember what. On the Ipod somewhere.

Just saying hi, I guess.
- a fan

Ptyl said...

Hi Courtney

thank you for the support

The way i see it, the way things are today with music, it really is a bad move to release more music these days. So i have currently ditched the music thing, and attempting to become a little smarter studying for a master degree in neuroscience,

I am sure "bla bla" will fit in here quite nicely and therefore:

bla bla

truth is these days, fans are more scarce than musicians, and so it's really cool to hear

Marvbot said...

Really like your Do`s!
So much appreciated.

Greeetz Martin

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