Thursday, February 21, 2008



Anonymous said...

Got to love the beat on this. So rhythmic so passionate about the subject matter. Loving it.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love that one!!

Unknown said...

i told it to angie and she smiled and laughed


Unknown said...

giggled is the right word

Anonymous said...

That is so fucked! but even true here. I was threated to be shot for confronting a man who was squealing his tires up and down my street for a half an hour. I told the cops and they did nothing because, even though the guy leaned forward to reach for a gun in the back of his pants, I did not see the gun. Why is the question. Why don't we rise up together? This is fucked beyond international borders... We don't care about each other. People don't care unless it has happened to them. Otherwise, people are think that this won't happen to them, so why should they care? Everyone just shruggs their shoulders. Turns a blind eye... Too many things of this sort happen all the time and still we cannot rise against to change for the better. We pay taxes! FOR WHAT?! For a system that might swing in our favor once and a while?! BULLSHIT!!

Anonymous said...

LoL! I forgot to mention that this is my favorite song thus far :) I love everything that is this song!

Unknown said...

that's fucked
yeah it's fucked everywhere. i guess people don't stand up together because they refuse to believe it. won't see through the method. but one on one, you can't beat the system. if you try to go vigilante, you will lose. if you want to set up a group effort, you'll waste your life and time trying to change things, and at your peak, they'll shove in a media story telling everyone what an evil person you are.

but then again this is just a bi-product of a culture in decline, so i wouldn't waste too much energy trying to think how to solve it, because i believe it will be replacedsoon anyways

Anonymous said...

It's like we are all in a blender and only you and I know it! LoL

Unknown said...

the blender = the method

it's really easy to see once you let go of your wishful thinkings, and just open your eyes and see

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